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December 19, 2024


Gaetz forcing the House to make public any sexual harrassment settlements paid with public money seems like a classic case of the blind pig getting an acorn. In other words, however noxious he is (very), and however noxious his motives(ditto), it does seem like a desirable bit of transparency. Especially since we seem to be talking public funds.

I note with amusement the beginnings of a drift from referring to Musk as "co-President" (elect), to referring to Musk as President and Trump as Vice President. The co-President bit was bad enough for someone who hates to share the spotlight. But this? The nation's most fragile ego isn't going to tolerate that for long.

I'm having a hard time deciding wether I should be happy that Trump's narcissism might eventually make Musk go the way of the Bannon or if Musk is actually a comparatively reasonable person among a bunch of ghouls and fools.

Either way, the situation is rather depressing.

Ok, I take the "comparatively reasonable" back:


Elon Musk: "Only the AfD can save Germany"

Ok, I take the "comparatively reasonable" back:

When you get far enough out on the tail of the curve, it's almost required to abandon hope of a single "comparatively reasonable" position. You've got to go issue by issue, and still face uncertainty on the larger issues.

And that's without the detail of particular individuals occasionally chancing to get something right. See Gaetz on transparency in cases of public money being used to setting sexual harassment cases involving members of Congress. All the worst motives, of course, but he's right that the information should be publicly available.

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