by liberal japonicus
In a discussion about how to set up and evaluate moodle discussions, I wanted to make the point that there were a lot of assumptions that were being made and I passed on this article from 2013 about WEIRD (Western, educated, and from industrialized, rich, and democratic countries) subjects of psychology research and how they might not be so indicative and this passage tickled me a bit.
The majority of these “intimate relations” were not actually sexual intercourse; they were experiences where the “goal was sexual arousal.” The authors don’t report what these experiences included, but it could have been everything from first base to a home run.
I love how, in a discussion of how WEIRD subjects may affect psychological research results they have a metaphor that excludes the parts of the world that don't play baseball. Which, of course, had me go down a rabbit-hole
A UK magazine explanation
The glorious XKCD visual chart
An 1991 article with a disturbing section of baseball metaphors offered up by middle and high school students making me realize what a sheltered life I led.
This thread about what is the equivalent in English speaking countries that don't have baseball is too short
And of course, there is a wikipedia page
If you were wondering, Japanese youth, when I first came to Japan, used a scale from A to C, with A being equal to first base/kissing and C being equal to home/intercourse, though this was an 80's thing. A few webpages suggest that the current formulation is HIJK. H=ettchi(sex), I=ai(love) J=junya(junior i.e. baby) and K=kekkon (marriage) but that seems too clever, so I doubt it has any currency.
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