by liberal japonicus
Posted on a friend's facebook, who said he got it from Popbitch
A man in hospital is one of the first to use the new Dyson ventilator.
Doctors say he's picking up nicely.
So a thread for jokes. No politics..... unless it's funny.
I *think* I saw a Dyson vacuum in a hardware store last year.
It resembled a dalek.
Now, if I could get an autonomous (Roomba-like) model, with a voice "Exterminate! Exterminate!" I'd be all over that.
Posted by: Snarki, child of Loki | March 27, 2020 at 06:13 PM
Speaking of humor, which I am now taking like my coffee (is there any way to find a darker roast), if you are not reading Marina Hyde, you really should be
Posted by: liberal japonicus | March 27, 2020 at 06:17 PM
A conversation elsewhere devolved into COVID-19 pickup lines.
"Girl, are you the last package of toilet paper? 'Cause I want to grab you and keep you all to myself."
"Are you threatening to sue people making emergency parts for respirators? 'Cause you can get discovery of my alleged tort anytime."
I didn't say they were goo.
Posted by: grumbles | March 27, 2020 at 07:41 PM
"Girl, are you the last package of toilet paper? 'Cause I want to grab you and keep you all to myself."
That TP joke is just charmin'
Squeezably soft, also too.
Posted by: Snarki, child of Loki | March 27, 2020 at 08:38 PM
So I was checking out my TP, etc. when the cashier told me, "Strip down, facing me." Things had gotten really awkward before I realized that she was talking about my credit card...
Posted by: CharlesWT | March 27, 2020 at 09:23 PM
Charles, LOL, literally.
Posted by: russell | March 27, 2020 at 10:19 PM
How many bioethicists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Posted by: hairshirthedonist | March 28, 2020 at 10:06 AM
How many bioethicists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Where's Hilzoy when we need her?
(In more ways than one.)
Posted by: JanieM | March 28, 2020 at 10:29 AM
Where's Hilzoy when we need her?
Mostly here (for those who haven't kept track).
Posted by: wj | March 28, 2020 at 11:30 AM
xkcd provides the details
Posted by: wj | March 28, 2020 at 11:34 AM
From the facebook.
Posted by: bobbyp | March 28, 2020 at 09:03 PM
How many bioethicists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Two. One to change the lightbulb and one to hold a press conference saying Trump did a fantastic job leading the nation in changing lightbulbs.
Posted by: Amy | March 28, 2020 at 09:12 PM
Amy, either a) you don't know what a bioethicist is, or b) this is a meta-joke so brilliant I don't get it. Frankly, neither would surprise me.
Posted by: Girl from the North Country | March 28, 2020 at 09:21 PM
Another medical take on Trump's COVID response:
Posted by: wj | March 28, 2020 at 09:32 PM
I think I'm getting Amy's joke! I'm a halfwit!
Posted by: Girl from the North Country | March 28, 2020 at 10:12 PM
"How many bioethicists does it take to change a lightbulb? None, they wouldn’t go against the natural order of bulbs burning out. And incandescent bulbs are perfectly acceptable, but these LED bulbs are novel technology which will only ever be affordable to the rich, which will only increase inequality."
immature techno-geek with moral autism
Posted by: CharlesWT | March 28, 2020 at 10:49 PM
It's early morning, and there's a line at the grocery store. Seniors-only shopping hour starts in a few minutes, and the over-60 crowd is queueing up for first crack at toilet paper and eggs.
A younger guy walks across the parking lot and moves toward the front of the line. One of the senior ladies swats at the guy with her cane and yells at him to come back when senior hour is over. A couple of the older guys close ranks and threaten bodily harm, to the best of their ability, if he tries to jump the line.
"If you guys don't let me unlock the door and open up, then nobody's getting anything".
Posted by: russell | March 29, 2020 at 11:47 AM
My favorite COVID-related line, lifted from somewhere on the Internet:
Is that hand sanitizer in your pocket or are you just happy to be within six feet of me?
Posted by: doretta | March 30, 2020 at 08:44 PM
Just think, in the distant future (assuming there IS one), the jokes and stories and songs of today will be received in much the same way as people now do when they hear the song "Ring around the Rosie"...and are shocked to find that it's about the Great Plague.
Posted by: Snarki, child of Loki | March 30, 2020 at 09:26 PM
So, we're all sixteen again. Gas is cheap. And we're grounded...
Posted by: CharlesWT | April 05, 2020 at 03:32 PM
So, should we wait until the pandemic is over before filling out the Census?...
Posted by: CharlesWT | April 05, 2020 at 04:51 PM
Nope. The census is the count of the people living in the country as of 1 April. Anybody alive that day gets counted. Anybody who isn't (died or not yet born**) doesn't count.
** "Pro-life" fanatics notwithstanding, unborn children don't count.
Posted by: wj | April 05, 2020 at 05:00 PM
On the basis of public evidence, Megan McArdle doesn't count, also, too.
Posted by: Snarki, child of Loki | April 05, 2020 at 05:33 PM
US hospitals can save you life with cutting edge medicine. And then kill you with faulty patient management.
Posted by: CharlesWT | April 06, 2020 at 12:03 AM
Wrong thread... :}
Posted by: CharlesWT | April 06, 2020 at 12:04 AM
The surgeon general noted that this was Pearl Harbor moment, so I have to assume that Trump is now ordering a bombing raid on Tokyo...
Posted by: liberal japonicus | April 06, 2020 at 01:16 AM
And why not? Do-little could be his presidential epithet.
Posted by: Jim Parish | April 06, 2020 at 06:14 AM
Tokyo? no, this is the GOP we're talking about. they'd start bombing Tehran.
Posted by: cleek | April 06, 2020 at 08:47 AM
Tokyo? No. Not least because Abe is Trump's kind of boy.
More likely to bomb Berlin, after Merkel has made him look so pathetic. (Although, as cleek notes, those around him ae more likely to argue for Tehran.)
Posted by: wj | April 06, 2020 at 12:18 PM