by JanieM
and apologies to Janie for retitling her post, which was
While everyone’s obsessing over Russian influence…
I couldn't resist... lj
Here’s a gem:
Following concerns from civil liberties advocates, Rep. Joe Kennedy’s office says he is reviewing an anti-boycott bill he cosponsors.
Kennedy is among 63 Democrats and 174 Republicans supporting a House bill, which currently would make supporting a movement to boycott Israel over its treatment of Palestinians a felony punishable by up to a $1 million fine and 20 years in prison, according to the American Civil Liberties Union.
A similar bill has been introduced in the Senate, where it also has received bipartisan support. The ACLU has called the bill a “direct violation of the First Amendment.”[snip]
The Jewish Telegraphic Agency, an international news wire service, reported Tuesday that the legislation was drafted with help from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, which included passage of the measure in its 2017 lobbying agenda.
Sometimes it's a bit frustrating. I see something daft like this. I notice that there are a large number of members of the legislature (state or Congress) sponsoring the latest insanity. I get all geared up to fire off a sharp note, asking what the blazes they were thinking.
And then discover that my rep was sensible enough to have stayed away from it all on his own. All that beautiful outrage: just wasted!
Posted by: wj | July 23, 2017 at 11:11 PM
This is outrageous. Any Dem who rails against Trump authoritarianism shows their true colors by supporting this dreadful legislation.
Congressmen Adam Smith, Derek Kilmer, and Rick Larson along with Sen. Maria Cantwell can go piss up a rope.
Incredibly, HR 1697 is supported by 234 members of the House.
Just like Clinton Rules, there is always the Palestinian Exception.
Posted by: bobbyp | July 24, 2017 at 12:06 AM
It sounds like this has been a problem since 1945, the current crew is just amping it up. Discouraging.
Posted by: Yama | July 24, 2017 at 02:33 AM
"there is always the Palestinian Exception."
Yeah, well you know those dusky palestinian radicals, with their squishy pinko agenda. Always stirring up trouble.
Posted by: Snarki, child of Loki | July 24, 2017 at 07:48 AM
No one ever expects bipartisan fascism, especially when enslaving the citizenry on behalf of another country.
Clearly, overthrowing government is going to be a bigger job than some expect, if every political party is completely full of shit.
First Russia, now Israel? China needs to get its dibs in. The French should be so lucky.
We could have jailed nearly the entire republican party in 2001-2 for spitting on their french fries, and avoided the dire, malevolent mess we're in now.
Who does Netanyahu think he is? A little self-dramatizing campus snot who can't handle a misdirected Halloween costume*?
I want Hillary Clinton to publicly and loudly denounce this legislation, else Donald Johnson will be proved right.
I wonder which side of this issue Richard Spencer will come down on. It'll be tough for him, I expect, favoring one group of people he wants to murder over another group of people he wants to murder.
But we live in the age of rump now, so that type of pretzel logic is a mere preparatory stretching calisthenic for the main event.
And all along I've been surprised I haven't been arrested, fined, and jailed for saying funny, nasty things about Texas, but maybe that's coming too, I hope.
*No, I'm not kidding. Formal rules against this kind of thing don't work except to exacerbate and encourage the menace, especially in exhibitionist, neo-shithead, cuck America.
My strategy, if you want to dress up in a clearly racist or anti-Semitic display is to handle it personally and physically, with my fists. The government can stay out of it, except to tax hate out of existence.
I'm kind of hard to figure, ain't I?
Think Boo Radley at the annual Skokie Nazi March, or sneaking up on the Bundys as they seek to defile public lands.
Problem dispatched with no government interference.
Posted by: Countme-a-Demon | July 24, 2017 at 11:09 AM
I want Hillary Clinton to publicly and loudly denounce this legislation, else Donald Johnson will be proved right.
I'm confused. I though Hillary Clinton was supposed to STFU, since [the usual reasons], and the fact that whatever she says incites cleek's law.
Posted by: sapient | July 24, 2017 at 11:31 AM
I love the lighter skin tone around The Donald's eyes in that Kos cartoon.
Posted by: hairshirthedonist | July 24, 2017 at 11:32 AM
I though Hillary Clinton was supposed to STFU, since [the usual reasons], and the fact that whatever she says incites cleek's law.
Many things are in tension these days. ;^)
Posted by: hairshirthedonist | July 24, 2017 at 11:33 AM
Back to the woods, isn't it?
Posted by: sapient | July 24, 2017 at 11:34 AM
Apparently Donald Trump can't move on from blaming Hillary Clinton for all things, but one would think the Count could give it a rest.
Posted by: sapient | July 24, 2017 at 11:40 AM
Were I Hilary Clinton, which I obviously am not, I would probably say "I've had about enough of this BS", find a nice spot on the Cap D'Antibes or maybe the Amalfi Coast, and spend the rest of my days sitting under an umbrella with a nice Caesar salad while handsome young men with charming accents bring me Campari sodas.
The worst thing you can say about Clinton is that she's a shrewd political operator. In a sane world that would be seen as an asset.
China needs to get its dibs in.
While the rest of the world spends its days watching the Donald's latest reality TV show, China is setting up it's first foreign military base since the 15th C.
My understanding is that their shore-to-sea missile technology is really good. Stuff like this.
They're establishing themselves as the go-to foreign partner in much of Africa. Which is an extraordinarily resource-rich continent.
They don't need no steenkin' dibs.
Posted by: russell | July 24, 2017 at 12:07 PM
sapient, you do realize this was satire that I posted on the other thread:
--- the following is not satire ---
Yes, the election was stolen from Hillary Clinton, aided and abetted even by some people on these pages who were duped into repeating some lies about her generated by Russian government and American, I'm now convinced, hackers and the usual right-wing filth.
I want the November, 2016 Presidential election of rump and company declared null and void, and then when republicans become violent over it, with their armaments, which they will, I want to kill them.
But, yes, I want the imperfect, but healthy candidate Hillary Clinton, as she is restored to her rightful position in the White House, to declare the legislation we're talking about an affront to the Constitution, which she could veto if republicans had not stolen the election, you fucks, and President Clinton could have named Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, which would strike down the law when it most assuredly would came before them if she stupidly signed the bill into law, but given the facts on the ground as we speak, if she doesn't speak decisively about this legislation now, then she is a suspect of sorts, as Donald Johnson has elaborated in the past, but he can speak for himself.
I want rump and a good part of the republican party shot by a firing squad, but I reserve the right to look askance (I love saying that phrase because it's from one of my favorite ironic, but not coincidental, lines in the movie "Network") and take to the streets over whatever misguided legislation President Hillary Clinton might sign into law.
None of this is contradictory or hypocritical.
Hyperbolic perhaps, but I gotta be me.
Posted by: Countme-a-Demon | July 24, 2017 at 12:31 PM
If you are going to advocate voiding the 2016 election, wouldn't it make more sense to void the primaries? If Trump had never even gotten nominated, it would have assured that we avoided him.
Posted by: wj | July 24, 2017 at 12:45 PM
Thank you, Count.
Posted by: sapient | July 24, 2017 at 01:06 PM
But wj, berniebros notwithstanding, neither the Dem nor GOP primary contests were stolen, which I believe is the nub of the count's hyperbolic (but well taken) point.
Posted by: bobbyp | July 24, 2017 at 01:07 PM
The state of play.
Posted by: bobbyp | July 24, 2017 at 01:15 PM
Anything to shorten the election cycle is fine with me.
"Were I Hilary Clinton, which I obviously am not, I would probably say "I've had about enough of this BS", find a nice spot on the Cap D'Antibes or maybe the Amalfi Coast, and spend the rest of my days sitting under an umbrella with a nice Caesar salad while handsome young men with charming accents bring me Campari sodas."
Chuck Schumer's circular firing squad notwithstanding, not to be confused with the republican party's rubik's cube firing squad among whom the individual members shoot themselves, it would be admirable if Hillary Clinton, while halfway thru her Caesar salad and after a sip of her Campari received a Secret Service-delivered official edict from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court that stated "Madame President, you have been declared, at this late date, the winner of the November 2016 Presidential election. You are ordered to drop whatever you are doing and get back here toute suite and assume the position" tore the official stationary into tiny pieces and flung them into the breeze off the Mediterranean coast and, lifting her shades, told the messenger: "What makes any of you think I would want to sign up to govern that bunch of deplorable ignoramuses again? F*ck off!" and dismissed him. Maybe it would be a her.
Then, as the messenger scuffled off thru the pristine white sand in his Buster Browns, she would call after him/her: "Tell them if they throw Texas, Kentucky, and South Carolina out of the Union, for starters, with appropriate nuclear safeguards that they don't align with Putin to thwart the U.S. Government, but with a well-thought out program to re-settle decent refugees from those states in the remaining parts of the country, I might ... MIGHT .... consider the request after due deliberation."
"Any of other requests, Madame?"
"David Bossie's balls on a paper plate fed to the RNC potluck family picnic."
"That it?"
"Tell Bill he gets a bunk bed in the Naval Observatory."
Posted by: Countme-a-Demon | July 24, 2017 at 01:22 PM
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