by Doctor Science
Just a few hours to go! Don't forget you have to save each category individually! Check under your seat for any stray personal items!
Best Professional Artist
Her illustrations are good, but her papercuts are *outstanding*. This is from "Tremontaine, Season 2".
Cover of "Everfair" by Nisi Shawl.
"La Botella" from his important, ongoing Loteria series.
An image from "Things from the Flood", book published Nov 2016
cover for "Monstress #7"
Best Fan Artist
"Pretty", Stranger Things fanart
Juo Gian aka breath-art aka breathing2004
"Song of Ether", part of the series Solar System
"I Hate Everything", Addams family fanart
"The Annual Service Shop", Star Wars fanart
cover for Zen Cho's self-published The Terracotta Bride
We appear to have a runaway bold tag?
Posted by: Sniffnoy | March 18, 2017 at 03:36 PM
Thank you, Sniffnoy -- there were actually about 5 of them!
Posted by: Doctor Science | March 18, 2017 at 05:48 PM