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July 26, 2012


Any info on how this event and wording came on us? I think those present would not have been eager to have its memory preserved, so I'd be genuinely interested.

Good luck on the operation, LJ. Please let us know how youare sas soon as you can.

Thanks Laura.

Hartmut, the footnote in Beevor says that none of the Salamanca papers reported it, but that it was written down shortly aterwards and gives the following refs

Emilio Salcedo, Vida de don Miguel Salamanca, 1964 and Luis Portillo, Unamuno's last lecture in Cyril Connolly, The Golden Horizon, London 1953.

I read a different version in another volume about the Spanish Civil War, and some googling suggests that it was Hugh Thomas' and his footnote had this:

See Unamuno’s Last Lecture by Luis Portillo, whose version of Unamuno’s remarks this is. Published in Horizon, and reprinted in Cyril Connolly, The Golden Horizon (London, 1953), pp. 397-409. For another account see Emilio Salcedo’s recent Vida de don Miguel (Madrid, 1964), p. 409f. I am grateful to Ronald Fraser for advice on details. There will never be full agreement on what was said and the tone in which it was said. I discussed this version with Luis Portillo, and with Ilse Barea, who translated it. But see Pemán’s account ‘La Verdad de aquel dia’, ABC, 12 October 1965. One may well wonder why the Falange were present in such strength.

I found this on a blog, so you might want to google it.

Luis Portillo, interestingly enough, is the father of Michael Portillo, UK cabinet minister, who wrote about his father here

Truly inspirational, LJ. Hugh Thomas' book on the Spanish Civil War is a well-deserved classic.

Get well soon.

PS: No change to my guess.

Thanks for the info, lj, and good luck.

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