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March 23, 2012


Bah! Here I am reading Toby Wilkinson's _Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt_ and marveling that they were building pyramids while my ancestors were running around in the forest hitting each other with clubs. And you tell me the Egyptians were Amenhoteps-come-lately?

I think you mean "Chariots of the Gods?"... "Chariots of Fire" was that story of the English runners and that godawful theme song that played on every radio a few decades back.

There was a long New Yorker article about Göbekli Tepe a few months back, and I remember that one of the chief researchers working there is a German, which would explain why the Temple gets more coverage there. Sorry I am of no help with the name.

(Duh... Klaus Schmidt, right there in the NG article. I clearly need to post after morning coffee, not before. )

Ahh, Marcellina, you're right. It's funny, just before this, I was looking up the youtube for last night of the Proms and just have gotten my wires crossed.

Very cool, lj. I dimly recall being aware of this, but I guess I hit the snooze button.

Also in Anatolia : Catal Huyuk, the "world's first village", Neolithic ca 6500 BCE

Also in Anatolia : probable origin of wheat cultivar.

Thanks for pointing this out. The most startling thing about it for me is that someone would undertake the immense labor of burying this site, and perhaps others, preserving it through so many millenia. This is so far outside our customary framework that my browser's spell checker won't recognize a plural for millennium.

LJ, this is really quite spectacular. I am embarrased to say I was completely unaware of this. The implications make me dizzy. Thanks much.

For sure, there's going to be a flying saucer under all of that rubble.

Uh, duh. The Göbekli Tepe is part of calculating the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe and Everything.

If you don't believe me, ask the Magrathean that hangs around these parts...

Every time we get comfortable thinking we know at least the major outlines of where and how civilization arose, something like this comes along to force us to think again.

Thank you so much for letting us know about this!

seems unlikely, since the earth is only 6000 years old.


Um, cleek, if the world was created in 6000 BC, wouldn't that make it 8000 years old?

Still, I take your point. (And at least this forumm is full of people who are willing to let a few facts get in the way of ideology.)

It's obvious that it was these pagans with their temple that led God to send the flood (which buried it in sediment). It's also a far more natural way from there to Mt.Ararat then from Palestine.
The head of the excavation team did a few talks around here. In general there is much caution about interpreting the findings (and some feuds similar to that about Troy). Serious archaeologists rightfully fear for their reputation, if the usual nutjobs take over the discussion and most are not happy when they find themselves on the first page of the BILD-Zeitung. At least over here they have nothing to fear from organized religion.

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