by Doctor Science
Slacktivist Fred Clark talks about South Carolina Tea Partiers sneering at the idea of "government of the people, by the people and for the people". I think this is another aspect of what Andrew Sullivan accurately calls America's Cold Civil War, which is also what Dennis G. (dengre) means by the modern Republican Confederate Party and which digby talks about in a post that came up as I was writing this.
It's no coincidence that "of the people, by the people, for the people" was a statement by the Union President, and that South Carolinians are the ones objecting. South Carolina was the spark plug for what James McPherson has accurately called The War of Southern Aggression. South Carolinians were most aggressive because they had the most to lose: SC had a black slave majority. Both democracy and the Golden Rule would have been deeply threatening to white South Carolinians.
But it wasn't just SC. In What This Cruel War Was Over: Soldiers, Slavery, and the Civil War, Chandra Manning shows that Confederate and Union soldiers, especially enlisted men, had different attitudes toward government -- and I see those differences still playing out today.
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