by Gary Farber.
This is a variant of this post.
Per previous announcement:
The ObWi Bay Area Bloggers Bullsh*t League of Earth = ObBABBLE's second meeting is announced.
WHO: This is an open gathering; anyone reading this is invited. In actuality, the main connector is that I can get you to read this. You are invited. You.
All readers of, and lurkers at Obsidian Wings are especially invited.
You may know me from: blogs. Science fiction fandom. Publishing. My writing. Anywhere. You are invited.
You may be a reader of blogs, and that's all. You are invited.
You may be a member of the Bay Area science fiction community, or want to be. You are invited.
You may simply be interested in political discussion, or talk about sf, or tech, or gadgets, or anything smart. You simply may enjoy meeting people who may be congenial and interesting. You are invited.
If you read this: you are invited. You are encouraged to pass this along to anyone you think interested, and to repost this information as you like; letting me know, though, would be nice.
WHERE: Crepevine. Specifically.
5600 College Avenue, Oakland, CA
5600 College Ave, Oakland, CA 94618
Ph: (510) 658-2026
WHEN: Saturday, January 15th, 2010, 1 p.m. until we're done.
PURPOSE: Socializing, meeting each other, fun. Flame wars dampened with beverages and cheer.
QUESTIONS: put comments on this thread at Amygdala or Obsidian Wings, or Facebook; if necessary, email gary underscore farber at yahoo dot com or at the working, new, ObWi kitty email address.
Name of group still likely to change, as is everything else.
Frequency to start will be monthly, but subject to further detail and change of location/time; possibilities of every other weekend subgroups may occur, or may not.
Further notices are intended to be issued at least monthly, at least one week before the next meeting, preferably two weeks. (Ha! I have a rich fantasy life.)
This is an open gathering: you are encouraged to bring interesting people who might be interested.
Feel free to copy and repost this message, but if you do so, it's helpful to say so in public comments, or email gary underscore farber at yahoo dot com, so I'll have some idea how many more people might show up.
R.S.V.P encouraged, but not required.
Gary Farber: Irresponsible Party.
Co-instigators: Jacob Davies, RAL.
Pass it on.
The first meeting had 9 people, including myself, and one person seen only by me. This means 7 people not me.
This is not a huge and overwhelming gathering. This second meeting may be smaller, now that people have met me. We might have only me and two others. We may have more. Come and find out along with me. Don't be intimidated. But it's all up to you. No obligation whatever, obviously.
This message expires as obsolete no later than Saturday, January 15th, 2010, 1 p.m. PST.
ADDENDUM, 1.11.11, 11:11 p.m.: How you can recognize Gary Farber, aside from the cane and Colorful Blogging Attire, and Sheer Attitude:
My hair is somewhat shorter, and I won't be bringing the cats I'm cat-sitting/sleeping with. Hello!
Aww, aren't we more cuddly looking than you thought?
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