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November 23, 2010


an Afghani national ID should fix this

For me the defining incident of the war in Afghanistan took place on Sept. 5, 2002, less than a year after we attacked when an assailant dressed in the new uniform of the Afghan army tried to assassinate Karzai in Kandahar, a bystander grabbed the gunman probably saving Karzai’s life although one person in the entourage was wounded. I have never read a very detailed account of the event but American bodyguards (Navy special forces) who were in a trailing car then opened fire killing the assailant, the young citizen, and one of Karzai’s bodyguards.

And eight years later we are still killing innocent Afghan’s trying to do the right thing but caught in the crossfire. What an unholy mess.

Well, yeah, OK. But did they get any significant concessions from the guy?

my favorite bit from the article...

...after the first meeting, photos of him were shown to Taliban detainees who were believed to know Mr. Mansour. They signed off, the Afghan leader said.

gee, I wonder why "detainees" would tell their keepers what they wanted to hear? They "signed off" on his identity, which means that they didn't actually identify the person in the photograph, but merely confirmed that it was the person that the authorities wanted them to say it was.

This just proves we have to stay! I mean, how many other potential double agents/con men/Pakistani intelligence personnel have we been secretly negotating with and handing out substantial sums of cash to? If we leave now, we'll never know, plus all the time and money spent negotiating with the Faux Mr. Mansour will have been wasted.

Ugh is right. There's a whole industry of double agents/con men/Pakistani intelligence personnel out there who are dependent on US investment. They need the stimulus.


the Taliban leadership, ... is largely made up of barely literate clerics from the countryside,

And has been able to hold out against the most powerful military machine in the history of man for more than 9 years. Time to pack up and go.

How can we be sure Eric Martin really wrote this post? And did Mansour ever room with Steven Wright?

And has been able to hold out against the most powerful military machine in the history of man for more than 9 years.

Red Dawn wasn't so silly after all.

Red Dawn wasn't so silly after all.
Yes it was. The Afghans have a whoooooole lot more experience at killing invaders than just about anyone else on earth. What they hadn't learned by the time of the Red Dawn Menace we taught them!
Win! Win!
This would be tragic by its lonesome but to have compounded the ruination with Iraq, well, there's nothing to say.

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