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November 25, 2010


I'm grateful for:

A job. A real, though part-time job, but still....

My daughter, who is everything IMO that any parent could hope for in offspring.

My honey, who has made me believe in love again (an uphill struggle, believe me!)...and maybe even in it lasting a lifetime.

The end of my foreclosure/short-sale nightmare, which occupied so much of the last 18 months.

My best friend of 30 years is still alive & going strong. No mean feat after being diagnosed with inoperable stage4 cancer nearly 2 years ago. Today's his birthday, so guess where I'm spending Thanksgiving? Happy 54, my bro!

My sister and brother - apart from my daughter, my only surviving family...and lifelong friends as close as blood is supposed to be.

Taken all together, not a bad life to turn 60 in.

Blessings of the day & the season to all!
('cept for the 'war-on-Xmas' dummies)

(nah, just kidding: bless them, too)

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