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June 17, 2010


Oh well. At least we haven't gone up against a Sicilian when death is on the line.


The center is not holding...the Empire crumples at the edges, and the inevitable decline and rot begins its acceleration.

That our "hope and change" president appears so utterly clueless in this regard should not come as either a surprise or a disappointment.

At least we haven't gone up against a Sicilian when death is on the line.

Next President of the United States: Don Corleone.

Hey, I have an idea. Could the US not somehow get the Chinese to invade Afghanistan while the US withdraws. In that case China could suffer the Soviet fate while the US would survive (barely) as a superpower instead. The mineral wealth should be big enough a bait. For a trifecta, Iran should be persuaded to go in as China's ally. ;-)

As far as I can see, there is only one action which the US could take which would have a substantial impact on our prospects in Afghanistan. If we were to legalize the poor Afghans' only economic crop, rather than persistently trying to destroy it (on top of everything else), we might have a prayer of convincing the population to show some support for our other goals. Especially since the Taliban, until we arrived, were equally negative on the subject.

Unfortunately, the chances of our legalizing opiates any time soon are effectively nil. (And yes, I do know that we are party to various treaties on the subject. But mostly they were written at our behest, so if we indicated a change in policy, I think they would collapse.) Which means that our chances of victory, defined almost any way, are equally poor.

"At least we haven't gone up against a Sicilian when death is on the line."


And a happy Friday to you, Marty.

And happy Father's Day to everyone who is or has a father. May the gratitude and appreciation be widespread and pleasant.

Fathers si, patriarchs no.

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