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January 30, 2010


Nice to see you got the redeye under control. Good work.

Heh, yeah I kind of made it a priority.

There is no substance known to man that can keep that sucker down.

Oh, just let him rock that mohawk for all it's worth, while he's young. Babies can get away with it. If he still wants to wear his hair like that at 13, that's a different story.

I wouldn't worry about the hair too much. I understand the Don King look is big among the younger set.

A little Red Sox beanie would be a great way to keep down the cowlick.

Remind us how old he is?

I remember coming home and finding our daughter with a mohawk. My wife explained that it had been a long and trying day, and that this was one of the few bits of entertainment she'd had.

That's innit, innit?

Cute kid.

He's a touch more than 3 and a half months

He's such a fashion plate!

Fixed Dr. P.


Best shots yet, especially the top picture.


"I remember coming home and finding our daughter with a mohawk. My wife explained that it had been a long and trying day, and that this was one of the few bits of entertainment she'd had."


Can relate to that.

Our 11-year-old has a workshop that has overtaken our basement -- trying to do a load of wash requires navigating an obstacle course of wires, screw drivers and duct tape; the boy can never have enough duct tape. This isn't a workshop that he does woodworking or something easily explained. His chief interest is experimenting with electricity, magnetic waves and stuff that gives me a headache. When he was usuing the aersol from my wife's hairspray last Sunday to fuel a rocket he built from old plumber's tubing and we heard the the thing, bang into the wall, we figured when we'd better rain it in. But there's really no stopping him -- his mind runs circles around mine.

Sic . . . "reign it in"

or "rein"?

for cw . . .


When he was usuing the aersol from my wife's hairspray last Sunday to fuel a rocket he built from old plumber's tubing and we heard the the thing, bang into the wall



If you note, in each picture he has a massive tuft of hair sticking up. There is no substance known to man that can keep that sucker down.

I feel his pain.

Although, as he likes to remind me, at least he has hair.

Yours, too.

When he was usuing the aersol from my wife's hairspray last Sunday to fuel a rocket he built from old plumber's tubing and we heard the the thing, bang into the wall

When I was a kid we used to cut the tops off of spent compressed air canisters (small ones, like you would use to make seltzer with), fill them with match heads, put them in a piece of pipe, and light the match heads to launch them.

They went really, really fast and far. We never did find out where they landed.

I hope we didn't hurt anybody.

Don't let your kid read this, bedtime.

Yes, Jes, he's a regular Danny MacGyver, which can be both charming and scary.

I had him watch "Apollo 13" recently -- the Tom Hanks movie that is one of my favorites -- and he seemed to relate and relish everything that was going on in the way the astronaunts and the engineers back in Houston improvised what they had to improvise in order to make a safe landing back to Earth.

Speaking of MacGyver, in what has been a bad season, especially after a pretty good one last year, "Saturday Night Live" put on its best outing to date last night, even without one of those reliable, cornball MacGruber skits.

If you like Jon Hamm in "Mad Men," you would have liked the show. Turns out the man has a real comedic touch.

Hamm made for an excellent Scott Brown in a sketch that was spot-on about how easily it is to sidetrack the Democratic agenda for the GOP.

Fred Armisen did a better Barney Frank than Barney Frank, and Kristen Wiig, who I find really good or really annoying, was funny as Nancy Pelosi.

This being "Grammy" night, I should mention the musical guest was new-age crooner (if that's the right description) Michael Buble, who, I confess, I did not know. He was very good and charming, easy on the ears.

His chief interest is experimenting with electricity, magnetic waves and stuff that gives me a headache.

Start brainwashing your son now: after he gets his physics degree, he should go into an innocuous field like weapons research, not something deadly to humanity like a quant group.

Grammy update: The girls have stole the show -- Lady Gaga, Beyonce and Pink each performed outrageous numbers.

Taylor Swift was Taylor Swift, innocent and winning in her low-key way.

The theme of the night: pairing today's performers with those of yesteryear, the best duo coming from the opening act of Lady Gaga and Elton John, who seemed to really be having fun and easily passed as her crazy uncle.

Roberta Flack, performing with a young male vocalist whose name I totally missed -- "Maxwell," Ms. Flack just reminded me at the end of their duo - just made some sweet, sweet music.

"Where is the Love?" -- what a sweet, sweet melody.

I find Roberta Flack's voice divine.

Bonzo, if your kid liked Apollo 13, you should show him "October Sky".

Good suggestion, Chuchundra. Saw that a long time ago and totally forgot about it. One of those movies that doesn't get repeated numerously on the cable channels like "Apollo 13."

I don't see why anyone is even commenting on the hair. Heck, my hair does the same thing in the morning . . . and I'm over 60!

The only solution is the Howie Long one: get a hair do that goes with the flow.

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