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December 17, 2009


U.S. officials say there is no evidence that militants were able to take control of the drones or otherwise interfere with their flights.

But they could track the signals and flights, time events to avoid known drones, and, conceivably, a la Clancy, know when they returned and mount an attack on the launch site.

Didn't they figure out in WWI that en clair signals were a bad thing?

Measure, countermeasure.

Now what will the counter-countermeasure be?

Why aren't the video feeds encrypted? It's not like it's hard to do.

Now, trying to spoof someone with satellites from determining position from the existance of a signal, that's one thing -- but why on earth is ANY of the predator signal (video, control, whatever)-- not encrypted?

"Now, trying to spoof someone with satellites from determining position from the existance of a signal, that's one thing -- but why on earth is ANY of the predator signal (video, control, whatever)-- not encrypted?"

I assume because they used commercial satellites to carry the last leg and didn't reencrypt it before shipping home. Silly.

Morat20: According to the WSJ article, the military has known about this vulnerability since the Bosnian operation, but decided that local populations would never figure out how to exploit it so it wasn't worth fixing. Oopsie!

I was going to conribute some highly depressive post about the astounding ability of the military to exceed our wildest estimates of what totally unimaginable stupidity it is capable of, has been, and evermore shall be, world without end. (But I won't say Amen.)

But 8gb usb drive is cheering. One tries to figure out the relevance of that comment to the thread, and momentarily suspects that it was accidentally mis-posted; but then I figured it out, and feel much better about the world now. The key is that God may hoave chosen to put intelligent life somewhere, because God knows there's bugger-all here on Earth.

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