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November 16, 2009


OK, this must be the seventh time I've tried to make a quick post*, but here it goes:

I'm unsure yet what to make of Omar's comments. He's given AQ sanctuary before, last time he tried to convince the world he wasn't protecting them was pretty sheet thin, and he's not in the strongest position at present. That said, I'm not writing this news off, at least not completely.

Whatever the case, the Haqqani faction does pose a more imminent risk, as it strengthens its relationship with AQ, so focusing efforts on them (at least for now) makes a lot of sense.

I'll try to get back to you when I can.

*not on your end, I assure you

Looking at it now, I think all those false starts helped me get my point across pretty decent. Hope it's not the last...

... but it looks like, here, it will be :(

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