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October 08, 2009


McCain's political motto has always been McCain First.

...and his sub-heading, in bold type, has always been I Was A Prisoner Of War ... though thanks to his support for Bush's torture policy, he's no longer able to admit that he was tortured when he was a PoW.

jesurgislac says: "thanks to his support for Bush's torture policy, he's no longer able to admit that he was tortured when he was a PoW."

By support I assume you mean McCain signing onto the Military Commissions Act?

But isn't Obama backing the revision of that law, the Military Commissions Act of 2009, which revives the same flawed military commission system to try Guantanamo detainees? The same tribunal system the ACLU calls 'undemocratic' 'inherently illegitimate, unconstitutional and incapable of delivering outcomes we can trust?' And didn't Obama say during his presidential campaign that the commissions compromised American values, and to accept them even with changes was like putting 'lipstick on a pig?'

Who has lipstick on their collar now? And I don't mean David Letterman. And don't you feel Obama has let you down? Professing one thing, doing another?

Who has lipstick on their collar now? And I don't mean David Letterman. And don't you feel Obama has let you down? Professing one thing, doing another?

You do. Obama has failed to uphold his campaign promises with respect to detainees, secrecy, detention, and rule of law issues. I would say that he's been a huge disappointment in this area, except for the fact that I didn't really expect him to keep his promises here. Nevertheless, even with his failures, he's still been a big improvement over what McCain was promising.

Now, I can't speak for Jes, but I'd bet money that she'd agree with everything I just wrote. You seem to have this bizarre idea that people here treat Obama the way you treat Clinton: with syncophantic worship. Some probably do, but many don't.

oh man, now Ive got tu quoque all over my new shoes. Ill come back after someone cleans up the mess.

Really, do we even need a "unified" theory of McCain?

Observation #1: McCain is not very smart. He might think he is, but there is a reason he graduated near the bottom of his class. When he criticizes Obama on earmarks, for example, he shows a focus on small things, not big issues.

Observation #2: McCain is a poor decision maker. Evidence: His selection of Palin after FIVE MONTHS time to get it right. Just as bad as his selection of Palin was the absurd process that led to this decision.

Observation #3: McCain thinks he is a foreign policy expert. But his understanding is shallow. Evidence: His reaction to last year's confrontation in Georgia, where he missed entirely any consideration of the strategic interests of the United States. I don't trust him in Iraq or Afghanistan either.

He is a fool. But neither he, nor the media have figured this out.

So, why do we need a "unified theory" of anything to explain this?

I think jdog pretty much nails it, although I have no quibble with pub's post either. McCain is not the stupidest Senator (too much competition for that!), but he has, at best, a mediocre character.

Turbulence says: "I would say that he's been a huge disappointment in this area, except for the fact that I didn't really expect him to keep his promises here."

What? You knew he was lying but you still supported him? You were that prescient, back in 2006, when he denounced passage of the Military Commissions Act, saying it wasn't the way "a serious Administration would approach the problem of terrorism," that he was insincere?

Talk about sycophantic masochistic worship!! Sticking with a guy you knew was lying, on the floor of the US Senate no less! And holding your tongue nose about it during the primaries!

And show a little respect, will ya? That's Her Royal Majesty Clinton, if you please!!!

carleton wu says: "oh man, now Ive got tu quoque all over my new shoes. Ill come back after someone cleans up the mess."

Naw, that's red herring all over your shoes, Carleton, and don't clean it off, it add a certain eclat to the overall gestalt of your comment.


McCain was the Manbeerian Candidate.

Naw, that's red herring all over your shoes, Carleton

Im surprised to hear you admit it, but yeah, that's as good a description as any of your typical spew. Don't eat the herring right before company if your tummy can't handle it.

it add a certain eclat to the overall gestalt of your comment

If you're going to look up words so as to appear bright then 1)get your verb correct, it spoils the whole Eton-graduate-looking-down-his-nose thing, and 2)make sure you understand those words well enough to use them in a way that makes sense.

Although, on second reading, the way you've combined "Naw" and "it add" to "eclat" and "gestalt" implies that you were *intending* to come off as a rube trying to sound all city-slicker-like.

And when you combine *that* with the fact that you suggested that your own comments were red herrings- well, I am forced to admit that you've clowned yourself more effectively than I could have. Bravo, sir.

What? You knew he was lying but you still supported him?... Talk about sycophantic masochistic worship!!

JJ is just getting to the part of civics class where they find out that there are usually only two viable candidates for President in any given election cycle. It's such a harsh time in a young man's life, to learn that one cannot always cast one's vote for the perfect candidate of one's dreams.

JJ, when you're old enough to vote, you'll understand.

jdog: He is a fool. But neither he, nor the media have figured this out.

So, why do we need a "unified theory" of anything to explain this?

I think so, because it seems likely that - given how many Americans voted for McCain/Palin - the next Republican candidate for President will be as bad as Bush or McCain, just with a better media campaign.

And Jay Jerome is a troll, Carleton. I wouldn't feed him even when he shows up with a red herring in his mouth.

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