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August 24, 2009


I'm looking forward to Majikthise's first encounter with long-time commentor Slartibartfast . . .

So this is the blogger who has made it impossible to use google to find out where the name Majikthise comes from! (Of course I know it's from Douglas Adams, but how did he come up with it? What does it mean?!)

A belated "Welcome!" to Lindsay from a consistent reader and irregular commenter here at ObWi. I haven't read anything of yours previously, but given the quality of the bloggers here I have little doubt that you'll be a terrific addition!

I'd say the Johnny Cash t-shirt is a sign of good things to come. Welcome to the Ring of Fire!

Congrats on both sides!

I'd felt for some time that Hilzoy's retirement had left something of an absence on the blog; I can think of no one better qualified to fill that void. Welcome aboard.

I've been reading Lindsay for years. She's thoughtful, smart and articulate, a substantial assett in our local market and beyond.
This is a great place to for her to land.
While Hilzoy can't be replaced this is a great counterbalance for the loss.

I'm looking forward to Majikthise's first encounter with long-time commentor Slartibartfast

Hmmm...I seem to recall that we'd had an exchange or two way back when, at her place, but that could just be my near-decrepit brain adding in things that never happened.

Majikthise was a philosopher; Slartibartfast was a mere fjord designer. There may be parallels to our respective RL pursuits, there.

Anyway, I eagerly await her "About" entry.

Bet you forgot about that, eh?

Lindsay is a great addition to ObWi--seems like kismet!

Excellent news!

a damned good writer comes to a place characterized by damned good writers. Sometimes justice wins. Nice to see you here, Lindsay.

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