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February 19, 2009


Absurd! If we criminalize homosexuality, then only criminals will be gay!

Quick! Someone tell Andy Sullivan! He will become happy again!

A good sign for the future.


It is perhaps fitting that South America was represented by the tasty dish Chili, rather than the more prosaic state of Chile.

Or perhaps not.

its really good that chile supported it on a serious note, it was barely ten years ago when a police force raided a gay bar in Santiago de Chile.

All in all, : )

Perhaps Chile can get creative, as we do here in the Commonwealth of Virginia, by instead prosecuting folks for "crimes against nature". But hey, at least no one's raiding the bars.

here in the Commonwealth of Virginia, by instead prosecuting folks for "crimes against nature"

Really? After Lawrence v Texas?

Really. Lawrence v Texas may not apply because this law prohibits (in theory) both same-sex and cross-sex acts. Also, this particular case involves persons of 14 and 20, not "adult consensual conduct". (However, if a 14 year old is having sex with a 20 year old in the first place, I can't imagine why it would be less harmful for her to have vaginal intercourse than cunnilingus. So it seems likely that this particular charge is actually doing a different kind of work.)

5 men in this city are currently listed as sex offenders for "crimes against nature", and no other charge.

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