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October 07, 2008


That last bit is a welcome bit of good news in an otherwise despair-ridden story.

Out soon from a Vice Presidential candidate near you: Now the courtzar releasin' the terrorists, ya' know? Also.

Motiveless malignancy.

Mistreating al Qaeda, makes a sort of sense, in a twisted way, although it's deeply, deeply wrong. But what kind of logic was the mistreatment of anticommunist Uighurs based on? What on earth is the point?

Motiveless malignancy.

Mistreating al Qaeda members makes a sort of sense, in a twisted way, although it's deeply, deeply wrong. But what kind of logic was the mistreatment of anticommunist Uighurs based on? What on earth is the point?

I expect Ugh is right. Palin will be telling people that those activist liberal judges are releasing terrorists into the heartland, just as Republicans have been warning.

Yes, indeed, we are a signatory to the UNHCR treaties, which means that we allow foreign nationals to apply for political asylum in the U.S. if they are "here". (Maybe they didn't want to admit Guantanamo was in the U.S.? Weren't they making that argument previoulsy?)

If we are afraid that these men will be subject to persecution by their home country, then it sounds like we've already acceded to their request for asylum, should they make it.

WTF is wrong with these people?

I didn't know the Uighers were still at Guantanamo until today, I thought they'd been released a few years ago. Just unbelievable.

We'll see what happens next. I hear that the government was going to appeal today, and if they get shot down by the Circuit, they'll try Roberts, C.J.

We'll see what happens next. I hear that the government was going to appeal today, and if they get shot down by the Circuit, they'll try Roberts, C.J.

And if they get shot down by both, which I doubt, then I guess we might get a fun "let them try and enforce it" moment.

Oh, and god bless america:

A U.S. military officer warned Pentagon officials that an American detainee was being driven nearly insane by months of punishing isolation and sensory deprivation in a U.S. military brig, according to documents obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union and provided to The Associated Press.
"These documents are the first clear confirmation of what we've suspected all along, that the brig was run as a prison beyond the law. There was an effort to create a Gitmo inside the United States," Jonathan Hafetz of the ACLU's National Security Project in New York said, using the slang word for the U.S. naval facility in Cuba.

The 91 pages of e-mails and documents produced by U.S. Fleet Forces Command, which runs the military brigs in Norfolk, Va., and Charleston, S.C., detail daily decisions made about the treatment of Hamdi and Jose Padilla, then both American citizens, and Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri, a legal resident. All were designated as by the White House as "illegal enemy combatants."

Bad news, my friends.

The government appealed and asked for a stay pending appeal. Stay granted, on a temporary basis, so the Friday release is off. The government has to move for a real stay by Friday.

Worse news: very bad panel. Randolph -- who was reversed in Rasul, Hamdan, and Boumediene -- Henderson -- who wrote the famous GTMO prisoners are not persons opinion -- and Rogers. The latter is terrific.


"Bad news, my friends."

I had to check that John McCain hadn't started commenting.

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