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October 21, 2008


I'd give the appropriate Rage response, but it would violate the posting rules. :) Great song, though!

At least losing to al Qaeda will bring about some interesting changes in the U.S. I'm kind of getting tired of eating pho and speaking Vietnamese after we surrendered to North Vietnam. I'm looking forward to learning arabic and a switch in the cuisine.

Hummus for all!

Bah! Pre-empted on a song I do know. However, if on Nov 5th, you title a post "Brand New Funky President" I'll be fine.

In any case, it seems that once again, "Country First" is the absolute worst slogan possible for McCain. We've been doing "Al-Qaeda First" since 2003. I would think putting country first would mean, you know, thinking about what's best for the country. But I'm not a real American, so meh.

Tangent rant- The world wasn't too worked up about us going to Afghanistan, and I'd bet bin Laden felt dumb after we initially won over there. But Iraq? It's like Bush gave bin Laden a call and asked him how he could help out. It was somewhat obvious then, but painfully so now, that going to Iraq was exactly what al-Qaeda wanted.

But Iraq? It's like Bush gave bin Laden a call and asked him how he could help out. It was somewhat obvious then, but painfully so now, that going to Iraq was exactly what al-Qaeda wanted.

And Bush got to be the two-term war preznit that ousted Saddam to one-up his daddy. So it was win-win for him and bin Laden.

So it always strikes me as either disingenuous or ignorant when people like John McCain and Sarah Palin go on about bin Laden treating Iraq as the "Central Front of the War on Terror."

From Bin Laden's point of view, the Central Front of the War on Terror is wherever we show up.

However, if on Nov 5th, you title a post "Brand New Funky President" I'll be fine.

I'm holding out for the original black president.

Thanks -

Consider actual costs? Surely you jest. This is the GOP, you know, the party that deals only with made up numbers and 'infinite time horizons' (cf Social Security, Laughing Curves).

There are advantages to being insane.

Off topic, but is Biden trying to make this a closer contest? I don't want to hear a politician speak on foreign policy and tell me that he's going to make tough unpopular decisions. Somehow I don't think he means decisions in favor of peaceful solutions to future world crises.


Somehow I don't think he means decisions in favor of peaceful solutions to future world crises.

He might. For example, imagine if sometime in February, Israel dispatches aircraft to bomb Iranian nuclear sites. In order to do that, Israeli aircraft would have to fly over Iraq. Since the US Air Force maintains control over Iraqi air space, they could deny access and scrub the Israeli attack. The Iraqi government would certainly ask them to do so. Is that likely? Probably not. But it is the sort of scenario where our actions seem both clearly correct and incredibly unpopular. This behavior would unleash a firestorm of recrimination -- telling Israeli "no" is frowned upon by Very Serious People as is protecting Iran.

Because American elites seem predisposed to react to many foreign policy disputes with military force or at least saber rattling, unpopular moves in that space may be more likely to be peaceful than not.

Russell- Wow. That was something else. I think I'm now a fan of Afrobeat. I especially liked him on the sax (which was a pretty cool looking one at that).

Now I'd just like to see campaign posters with Obama on trombone.

And Bush got to be the two-term war preznit that ousted Saddam to one-up his daddy. So it was win-win for him and bin Laden.

Too bad about the USA. No doubt we'll recover reasonably well, eventually. There's even a remote chance that we'll learn from this episode, but I won't get my hopes up.

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