by hilzoy
Publius told us he'd probably be without power after Hurricane Ike, and that we probably wouldn't hear from him for a couple of days. I haven't heard from him (in answer to several questions), but I don't plan to worry about that fact for a couple of days: it would be fruitless, and besides, in his shoes, I'd probably want to focus on things like making sure my kids weren't too scared, distracting them with fun games involving candles and forts, and so forth, rather than thinking: OMG I must get to the blog. [UPDATE: he's fine. END UPDATE.]
On the other hand, this is worrying:
"A little after midnight this past Thursday night / Friday morning, Teresa and I were talking—about how to code an image in a Making Light post, no less—when she suddenly experienced an unfamiliar and intense pain in her chest, rapidly radiating up into her neck and lower jaw, accompanied by a sensation of powerful pressure deep inside. After a brief discussion we called 911. Impressively well-equipped paramedics arrived in about seven minutes and performed tests on the spot. We were then taken in an ambulance to Brooklyn’s Lutheran Medical Center. As of this morning, Teresa is still there, having graduated from the ER to an actual hospital bed. Further tests have been performed and more are to come. She is not considered to be in critical condition.Teresa has had odd and hard-to-classify cardio/circulatory events before; among her other health problems, she’s occasionally prone to vaso-vagal spasm. So was this really an Infarction, Class Myocardial? The answer is: it seems probable from everything we’ve been able to find out. It appears to be what the medics assume when they’re not using careful diagnostic-speak. The speed with which the symptoms receded as soon as she was given nitroglycerin (in the ambulance, on the way over) is suggestive. Obviously, we’ll see what Big Medicine has to say when they finally finish all their tests.
Meanwhile, is she okay? Sure; mostly bored."
My thoughts are with Teresa and Patrick, and, of course, with publius, his family, and anyone else in the Galveston/Houston area. (That's the nice thing about having many thoughts: I can spread them around.)
Wow. Why is it that remembered, written down terror is so calm when the real thing is so excruciating? My thoughts and prayers are with them all. As you say, we've got a lot of thought energy to share and I don't think its taking anything away from one to share it with the others. I hope Teresa is OK. She and Patrick do sterling work and it sounds like a hugely scary event.
Posted by: aimai | September 14, 2008 at 10:59 AM
just talked to publius. he's fine, but vowed never to try to ride out the hurricane again.
Posted by: kovarsky | September 14, 2008 at 11:36 AM
Good to hear about publius.
Hurricane Season seems to get scarier and scarier each year. I imagine some of that is the wall-to-wall media coverage that didn't exist in the past.
Posted by: bedtimeforbonzo | September 14, 2008 at 08:10 PM
I live in Florida, its not just the media coverage, the weather is getting worse. Probably just god holding us closer.
Posted by: crimelord | September 14, 2008 at 11:41 PM
crimelord, you gotta put the link to that. The accent was great.
Posted by: liberal japonicus | September 15, 2008 at 12:14 AM