by Eric Martin
Back in May, I made mention of what was then a three-pronged plan to subvert the democratic process in Iraq being carried out by Prime Minister Maliki and his ruling coalition (the "Powers that Be," or "PTB"), with the backing of the Bush administration and US forces. A rough sketch of this plan is as follows (with more details and links available in the prior post):
1. Undertake military/police operations against the Sadrists and other Shiite and Sunni rivals in Basra, Sadr City, Amarah, Diyala and other regions in an effort to winnow the ranks of their respecitve constituencies, intimidate their followers and dislodge their leaders from government positions (with the last objective serving to faciliate fraud and other electoral malfeasance in upcoming elections).
2. Ban the Sadrists from participating in upcoming elections on the dubious grounds that no party that has a militia should be able to participate in elections (other than the parties of the PTB, and even other non-Sadrist parties that aren't PTB).
3. Implement a plan to stagger elections over several days in order to ensure "accurate" counting of ballots, despite objections made by many political factions that such a prolonged process would allow the vote counters more time and opportunity to manipulate the results.
Taking advantage of the success of the first step of the plan, Maliki and the PTB are, predictably, looking to consolidate their gains and ensure a strong performance in upcoming elections despite their dubious popular support:
Iraqi security forces loyal to the Shiite-led government are raiding voter registration centers and taking other steps to discourage participation in upcoming elections, says the head of Iraq's voting regulatory agency. [...]
A drive to register new voters is slated to end next week. However, only about 1 million people had registered as of Wednesday, a low turnout due partly to voter intimidation, according to Iraq's High Elections Commission.
"There are people who don't want these elections and the security forces are collaborating with these people in some places," said Faraj al-Haydari, the commission's chairman.
Opposition politicians such as Ali Hatem, a leader of a group of former insurgents known as the Sunni Awakening, accuse ruling parties of trying to sabotage the elections because they fear losing power.
Among recent incidents:
•Iraqi Army troops raided a registration center in the Baghdad neighborhood of Sadr City and demanded a list of names and addresses of voters, al-Haydari said.
The area is the heart of support for anti-government Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. The incident was confirmed by Iraqi Gen. Aiden Qader, the ministry of interior official responsible for election security.
Similar tactics have repeatedly occurred at another registration center in the Sunni-dominated city of Mada'in east of Baghdad, according to Mohammad al-Qinani, president of the Ayn Election Monitoring Network. His non-profit organization monitors 152 registration centers around the country.
•Iraqi troops have either removed, or allowed others to destroy, a large percentage of the 2 million posters distributed nationwide to publicize the registration effort, al-Haydari said.
As indicated by the nature of the incidents enumerated above, the range of anti-democratic actions is not limited to those targeting the Shiite rivals of Maliki/ISCI. Iraqi Security Forces are also being used to benefit the Sunni factions that recently returned to Maliki's government. I warned in April and July of this year that the the return of these Sunni factions could actually be a harbinger of the future subversion of democracy within the Sunni community - if the Sunni PTB's were conditioning their return to the Maliki coalition on Maliki's willingness let the ISF do for them what they were already doing for Maliki/ISCI vis-a-vis the Sadrists. Those concerns were well-founded. The risks for Iraq's long term stability are every bit as real now as they were when those prior admonitions were made:
"Well, what happens if the political system is rigged against those people? I think some of those people might return to violence," [Colin] Kahl said.
Ali Hatem...also predicted violence if the elections are perceived as unfair. A date for the provincial balloting has not yet been set by Iraq's parliament. But it is supposed to be held later this year.
"The governing parties have lost their popular base and they don't want these elections because they're going to lose," Hatem said.
"If there is any fraud in the next elections, Iraq will be a mess again," he said. "This time, we will use force to take control of things."
Well dip me in purple ink and plant me in the Rose Garden!
Then tell me again how the Surge succeeded, how the Iraq conflict is over, how we brought the magic of democracy to the benighted masses in Iraq and how the bright, shining exemplar (Iraq the Model, if you will) is going to inspire a succession of liberal democratic dominoes and, in so doing, extinguish the appeal of radicalism throughout the region.
Don't you know 9/11 changed everything, and we can no longer afford to prop up anti-democratic and unpopular regimes in the Muslim world.
Don't forget how we got rid of all the torture chambers in Iraq too.
Posted by: Ugh | August 19, 2008 at 05:05 PM
Don't you know 9/11 changed everything, and we can no longer afford to prop up anti-democratic and unpopular regimes in the Muslim world.
Or in the United States, either.
Posted by: AndrewBW | August 19, 2008 at 05:36 PM
Off topic a bit but since you mentioned them, didn't the two Iraq the Model brothers bail to the US?
And aren't they still here?
Posted by: Davebo | August 19, 2008 at 05:39 PM
Off topic a bit but since you mentioned them, didn't the two Iraq the Model brothers bail to the US?
And aren't they still here?
Something like that. I know there was a bit of disillusionment at one point, and some other goings on, but I confess to not following their blog for some time.
Posted by: Eric Martin | August 19, 2008 at 05:54 PM
When I first read this:
"Back in May, I made mention of what was then a three-pronged plan to subvert the democratic process in Iraq"
my eyes somehow skipped over the words 'mention of', and I thought: huh??!
Posted by: hilzoy | August 19, 2008 at 06:10 PM
Yes, my ObWi takeover plans include Iraq. No self-respecting megalomaniac would be caught dead without such addenda...
Posted by: Eric Martin | August 19, 2008 at 06:28 PM
Hey! That's my plan for taking over Iraq. Get your own!
Posted by: Ugh | August 19, 2008 at 06:33 PM
I don't suppose megalomania is conducive to cooperative efforts...
Posted by: Eric Martin | August 19, 2008 at 07:47 PM
Wow, the Iraqis are purging the voting rolls based on political considerations? Sounds like Karl Rove's vision of democracy to me. I'll bet McCain wishes he had some militias to use rather than just "Loyal Bushie" Attorneys General.
Posted by: RepubAnon | August 19, 2008 at 09:57 PM
Props for the "democracy, whiskey, and sexy!" reference. Made me giggle.
Posted by: EarBucket | August 19, 2008 at 10:15 PM
I'm content to rule the Duchy of Grand Fenwick. It's much easier, and we have wine.
Posted by: Gary Farber | August 19, 2008 at 10:27 PM
"democracy, whiskey, and sexy!"
No "And."
Posted by: Gary Farber | August 19, 2008 at 10:29 PM
RepubAnon has it right. They (the Iraqis) have obviously learned all the right moves form the Bush adminsitration. It is just that over there they even get away with sending the Army after the polic and their political opponents and wipe them out that way. Here the Republicans are stuck with just basic fear and intimidation and non-fatal voter suppression techniques.
Posted by: john miller | August 19, 2008 at 10:51 PM
And nobody* said anything about a liberal democracy to be established in Iraq.
*in the usual sense of "nobody could have...!!!"
Posted by: Hartmut | August 20, 2008 at 04:32 AM
If we were ultimately going to install a typical Third World strongman in Iraq, wouldn't it have been simpler and less painful to do that immediately after we deposed Saddam?
For that matter, we could have just left Saddam in place, and skipped the whole war.
Posted by: low-tech cyclist | August 20, 2008 at 08:37 AM
That Chalabi guy just turned out to have too close ties to neighbouring Iran and even the pro-strongman fraction of Iraqis couldn't stand him. In typical Rummy fashion there was no immediate backup, so they had to go for mockdemocracy instead. Although there are enough femaledogffsprings in Iraq, none of them passed the smell test yet to become Saddam the Sequel.
Posted by: Hartmut | August 20, 2008 at 10:15 AM