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July 18, 2008


McCain should be hammered on this comment everyday by Obama.

Anytime one of our soldiers dies over there, this comment should be played back.

Of course, it's the kind of success that requires Americans to continue to fight and die in the war. That's already won. And over.

3...2...1...and it's over!!!! The Boston Celtics have won the 2008 NBA Championship!! The Lakers are walking off the floor in disgu--- wait a minute, the Celtics just broke out of their huddle and are lining up like there will be another tipoff, what's going on? Coach Rivers! Coach Rivers! Can you explain what's going on here?

"The Lakers are on their heels and on the run, but the success that we have achieved is still fragile and could be reversed, and it’s still – if we do what the City of Boston wants to do and celebrate, then all of that could be reversed and we could face again the chaos, increased Laker influence and Celtic loss and defeat."

Ugh wins.

The people who have been ethnically cleansed will not be returning home. It's that simple.

(with Jack Keane, "KKK" for short - I kid)

OK, I know I'm nitpicking, but is it OK for conservatives to kid about "Barack Hussein Obama"?

OK, I know I'm nitpicking, but is it OK for conservatives to kid about "Barack Hussein Obama"?

I've never said or suggested otherwise.

is it OK for conservatives to kid about "Barack Hussein Obama"?

The latest one (from the http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_daily_dish/2008/07/hewitt-award--8.html>Texas Republican Convention -- h/t Andrew Sullivan; also available at Cafe Press) is that "the only difference between OBama and OSama is a litle B.S."

No, the difference is a LOT of B.S. [Posting Rules violation deleted].

The lesson we should have learned from Iraq is that, if we want parts of the Islamic world to act civilized, a dictator has to be installed. This is a lesson that Napolean learned in Egypt, then France learned in Morocco, then Britain learned in Iraq.

We should have learned this lesson in:
(1) Iraq;
(2) Afghanistan;
(3) Lebanon; and
(4) Gaza.

McCain deserves to be mocked because of his support of our Iraq policy. Obama deserves to be mocked because of his plan to become more engaged in Afghanistan. Iraq and Afghanistan are the same conflict.

Ron Paul is right when he states that this will come to an end when the money runs out. Things will then get very ugly.

The real lesson is that places get more civilized when they aren't invaded and subject to mass death and suffering and infrastructure destruction. Just because the Very Important People think "let's not attack them" is never a serious option doesn't mean the rest of us have to agree.

Ugh must have been looking for Matt Yglesias' blog and landed here by mistake....

First and foremost, when we invaded Iraq: violation of UN Charter = crime.
When we bombed the first hospital: war crime.
When we withhold food and water from civilians: war crime.
When we torture to get information: war crime.

How long does the carnage and the illegality have to continue before Americans wake up to the fact that this "war" is a crime the Bush Admin. commits with their aproval. WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!

Dress it up how you like. But don't call a crime anythiNg but a crime.

We can blather on forever about what to do now that we have committed this crime, but the first thing we need to do, as a country, is STOP THIS CRIMINAL WAR.

"...the Sadrist militia and other Iranian-backed militant groups have been disrupted."

Since the two other main groups he mentioned are really Iranian backed and the Sadrist militia really isn't, and since the Sadrist militia voluntarily stepped down (for a while) and wasn't disrupted, since Sadr is probably the most popular of the Shiite leaders in the country, this statement makes no sense and therefore renders every other statement in the article meaningless.

"Iraq and Afghanistan are the same conflict." BOB, a new low in ignorance.

How long does the carnage and the illegality have to continue before Americans wake up to the fact that this "war" is a crime the Bush Admin. commits with their aproval. WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!

the last part answers the first.

[Godwin]The mindset of the "We have won!" squallers reminds me of those that hung people from Berlin lampposts in late April of 1945 for doubting that final victory was right around the next corner.[/Godwin]
Given some highly visible right-wingers' regular talk, there is not just similarity but identity as far as the "lanternizing" is concerned.

Soldiers appreciate hearing from their leaders when they succeed in a mission. In this case the mission was about reducing the level of violence among other things. McCain's comment was overly optimistic, but it might affirm to the 19 year-old in Iraq or Afghanistan that his/her life is being spent for something of value. A statement to this effect coming from Obama would mean a lot to the troops. He can't do that of course given his campaign promises. My point here is not to attempt to justify the war. Just to provide a soldierly interpretation of the McCain comment.

Perhaps McCain was anticapating the latest remarks by Maliki - apparently he endorsed Obama's timetable for withdrawal. This could be big.

Perhaps McCain was anticapating the latest remarks by Maliki - apparently he endorsed Obama's timetable for withdrawal. This could be big.

Perhaps McCain was anticapating the latest remarks by Maliki - apparently he endorsed Obama's timetable for withdrawal. This could be big.

Link to the bigness: Reuters story about Maliki's remarks, part of an interview with Der Spiegel released today.

Bush will probably be declaring "victory" soon . . .

One thing is certain: He will not be delaring that he is co-opting a Democratic platform, what w/ news of a withdrawal on a "General Time Horizon."

General Time Horizon . . .

What kind of bullshit is that?

I will be telling Citizens Bank I will be paying my car payment on a General Time Horizon. That goes for you, too, Wells Fargo, about the mortgage.

Why can't they just set a date for withdrawal, and that's that?

Finally negotiating with Korea and, now, Iran. Setting a timetable for withdrawal in Iraq. Jerking off Wall Street, especially the oil companies. John Kerry could have been no more than an average president and these last three-plus years wouldn't have been a such a waste.

My 9-year-old son has this book, "Worst Presidents Ever," and he told me excitedly, "Dad, Bush made the cover!"

I've never been an enthusiastic Obama supporter but this country needs a president who will give us a better present and 9-year-olds like Danny a better future. Brick Oven Bill, since he appears to be your candidate, I ask you: How can McCain possibly be that guy?

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