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May 08, 2008


"the horrid threats posed by Teh Gay, which are much, much scarier than the threats posed by drunken husbands who have entire second families."

But have you considered that he might have been so despondent about the prospective decline of marriage and parenthood due to the onslaught of gay unions and adoptions that he was *driven* to drink booze and shag random hotties? I don't think you appreciate just how hard times are in America for white male heterosexuals.

Well, I must apologize to Rep. Fossella, who seems to have gotten into a lot of trouble as a result of my 16-year relationship with another man.

Fossella's pal—known only as "Brian"—passed out in front of the men's room.

You're not having fun at a bar until you pass out a couple of times. Who are we to judge?

have you considered that he might have been so despondent about the prospective decline of marriage and parenthood due to the onslaught of gay unions and adoptions that he was *driven* to drink booze and shag random hotties?

Even more!

He met the hottie in question on a (taxpayer-funded) trip to Europe that included stops in Britain, Denmark, the Netherlands and Spain. Yes, the Netherlands and Spain -- where gay marriage is legal. Who among us, under the circumstances, wouldn't liase with the nearest attractive young Air Force congressional liason?

Or maybe-- just MAYBE-- Vito has been battling a years-long attraction to this "Brian," his get-falling-down-drunk buddy, and the temptation was such that he had to start a second heterosexual marriage and procreate to suppress it.

Another fallen soldier in the Global War on Teh Ghey.

When I read this story this morning, my first though was that this would make a GREAT Coen Brothers movie.

Give credit to the GOP for the creativity they demonstrate in their sex scandals. Eliot Spitzer barely holds a candle to this.

Who's going to protect marriage from the people who are protecting marriage? That's the question nobody seems to have an answer to.

Give credit to the GOP for the creativity they demonstrate in their sex scandals. Eliot Spitzer barely holds a candle to this.

The unfortunate reality is that no political persuasion is immune from creepy behavior. Note the unfortunate Bernie Ward.

I actually appreciate in this instance highlighting the hypocrisy. That's fair game. But arguing against limitations on marriage simply because of hypocrisy is a "pleasant" way of avoiding the real questions.

C'mon hilzoy, you're missing the point, which is that he wouldn't have done any of this if it weren't for the EVIL GAY MIND-RAYS that forced him to sleep with another woman.

Yup. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Give the guy a break. He loves families so much, he has two of them.

Who on earth is "arguing against limitations on marriage simply because of hypocrisy"?

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