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May 31, 2008


How much do you actually save buying popcorn in bulk?

ha - i'll get back to you on that steve.

maybe i'm overreacting. i've never actually believed she would carry on to denver. but i honestly don't know now. i suspect they're on a "weeks" horizon rather than
'months', but that's still going to damage

you're not overreacting. she is going to continue to Denver. her supporters are going to go completely insane, and we're going to learn about a new class of voters: McCain Democrats.

McCain Democrats

Sweet Christmas, Cleek. But you're right, of course.

Publius, I don't know how anyone could look at what went on today, both inside and outside, and not come to the conclusion that Hillary is in it until Denver, and will use every tactic available to her to keep her supporters riled up till then.

McCain Democrats
Yep. And if Hillary pulled this out of nowhere and somehow got the nomination I would be one of them. We can't afford more of this kind of president, and I honestly believe McCain would be better for the nation than Hillary.

Whoa, there, pilgrim: let me ask you if it's the war with Iran, the continuation of the Bush tax cuts, or packing the bench with Scalia types.

And let's hope that Senator Clinton isn't on the ticket and November. I can think of no surer way to reenergize the Republican base. They might dislike Bush and are disappointed with McCain, but they hate the Clintons, and will go the distance to prevent another Clinton from being a stones throw from the Oval Office.

McCain Democrats

Yep. And if Hillary pulled this out of nowhere and somehow got the nomination I would be one of them. We can't afford more of this kind of president, and I honestly believe McCain would be better for the nation than Hillary.

Imported from another thread:

Does anyone else read screeds like [Daniel's] and wonder how many people like that are actually democrats and how many are republican rat-fsckers? I mean, if that sort of thing was written by someone who had been commenting here for a year or two, I wouldn't question their authenticity, but when you see random newbies with such, um, extremely strong opinions that might be, um, lacking in factual support, I do wonder...

Posted by: Turbulence | May 31, 2008 at 05:10 PM

“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK”
~ Barack Hussein Obama


Obama’s Pastor Celebrates 9/11 (explicit)Only 5 Days After 3,000 Americans Killed

Jeremiah Wright Says America Deserved 9/11

Obama’s Racially-Divisive Pastor

Obama Disrespecting U.S. Flag and Anthem

The Audacity of Barack Hussein Obama

The Audacity of Barack Hussein Obama 2

Is Obama Wright? - Pastor Wright & Senator Obama

Obama’s Pastor - 9/11 Fault of Israel Association

Father Pfleger's Rant - Final Straw or Obama Exit Strategy?

Name Obama’s Accomplishments if you can #1

Name Obama’s Accomplishments if you can #2

Barack Obama: There Will Be Bamboozling

The Two Things Senator Obama Accomplished

The Jeremiah Wright Lifetime Achievement Award

Gaza Strip Palestinians Campaigning for Obama

Barack Obama Doesn’t Want His Daughters ‘Punished’ With a Baby

Obama: Bitter Americans Cling to Guns and Religion

Obama — We Are Building A Religion

i suspect they're on a "weeks" horizon rather than 'months', but that's still going to damage

I don't know that they'll do that much "damage" - like Bush it appears that the Clintons are uniters not dividers.

1) Breathe deeply
2) Contemplate Iraq war, restoring balance to the three branches of government, supreme court nominations
3) Steel self for whatever democratic ticket emerges
4) Bang head on wall until unconscious
5) Wake up and repeat

That's about it, Mike, yes.

MSBC should be worried about sounding too pro-Obama.

Keith Olbermann kisses his ass on a nightly basis.

Chris Mathews gets a woddie every time Obama gives a speech.

David Gregory and Dan Abrams are their only high-profile anchors -- anchors, mind you -- who act in a fairly objective.

Keith Olberman?

He can kiss my white, boney ass.

That was meant to read -- "fairly objective manner."

Writing in a hurry because I am late too work.

If Olbermann waits until 6 pm, he can kiss my boney -- sweaty -- white ass.

He is no better than Bill O'Reilly. In fact, he is worse.

Yes, I said worse.

Have at.

Man, I am late.

And mad:

Make that: HAVE AT IT.

The Democrats, just from the very sound of this post and the whining about MSNBC, are already sounding like the whiny, latte-drinking, Volvo-drinking crowd that the Republicans successfully painted us as when they won Kerry v. Bush.

For the record, I drive a 1992 Ford F-150, the wife drives a Hyundai Azera, wouldn't know what a latte is if you shoved it right in front of my nose -- drink Coke, Tea, A & W Root beer, and Yengling. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

Oh yes, as I had off to work -- with my wife yelling at me that I am late -- let me be clear:

I have nothing against Volvo drivers.

Nothing against latte drinkers.


The Democrats, just from the very sound of this post and the whining about MSNBC, are already sounding like the whiny, latte-drinking, Volvo-drinking crowd that the Republicans successfully painted us as when they won Kerry v. Bush.

So, would it be fair to say that you're concerned about how the Democrats sound?

Are you aware that this website has far less influence on the world than MSNBC?

For the record, I drive a 1992 Ford F-150, the wife drives a Hyundai Azera, wouldn't know what a latte is if you shoved it right in front of my nose -- drink Coke, Tea, A & W Root beer, and Yengling.

Um, why should anyone at all care? Your choice in vehicles and beverages doesn't seem to have given you particularly good insight into the political process. Given how closely voting for Bush and supporting the war correlate with driving an F-150 and hating Starbucks, one might argue that people who drive F-150s and hate Starbucks both have really bad judgment and are hurting America. But I think more sensible people realize that this crap has nothing to do with anything important.

bedtimeforbonzo, it is fitting that you would support Clinton to the end. Like the Tuzla Tigress, you haven't bothered to read vital intelligence documents before demanding more conflict. That worked out real well for Clinton and I'm sure it will work out equally well for you.

By the way, did you start commenting on the internet before Clinton's campaign? Can you point us to any comments anywhere before 2008 that would suggest you're a real Democrat and not a right wing rat-fscker?

Make that: HAVE AT IT.

Why should we? Are you deliberately trying to provoke argument? Is that what you get paid for?

"He can kiss my white, boney ass."

Could you consider, perhaps, upping the ratio of your comments which are on factual topics, with cites to facts, and which lead to productive conversation, and dropping the number of your comments which are fact-free exclamations, which appear to be directed at no one but yourself? If you feel a need to vent, perhaps try a wall; if you're not interested in fact-based conversation, it will do as well. As it is, your comments seem to largely be substance-free emotional discharges, which leave no ground for rational discussion, and which otherwise serve only to provide fodder for equally substance-free responses.

Thanks for your consideration, and help in keeping ObWi a place for substantive and courteous discussion.

"Man, I am late.

And mad"

That's nice.

I have emotions, too. So do all of us.

Emotions can't be rationally debated. What is your goal in going on on this blog about your emotions? This isn't a therapy session, you know. If you need a place to talk about how you feel, rather than matters of substance which can be settled as matters of fact, perhaps consider finding an appropriate place for that sort of thing. A group therapy session, a friend, a spouse, a mirror, a therapist, a tree, whatever. Thanks kindly for your help in not encouraging other people here to go on about their emotional state.

Really, do you care what I feel about, well, much of anything? Why should you be interested? Answer: you shouldn't, unless we establish a personal relationship. In which case, we should take our discussion of our feelings to email, or at the least, to an open thread.

Meanwhile, I'm not clear what the answer is that you have in mind to "why should we care how you feel [about some political issue or event]?," but the answer at least a couple of your interlocuters would provide is "beats me."

It's Yuengling.

And it's delicious.

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