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May 22, 2008


Does she have no shame? She agreed to and participated in "disenfranchising" FL and MI, but now its "Zimbabwe?"

She's making the argument that she's having the nomination stolen from her, "Tragically, an election was held, the president lost, they refused to abide by the will of the people." This is truly madness on her part, and it needs to stop immediately. Can Chelsea tell her to knock it off?

Do Clinton voters even know where or what Zimbabwe is?

Does she have no shame?

Obviously not.


Clinton is employing precisely the Bush political (and every other) strategy: negative sum. It's OK to be as cynical, lying and destructive as you want, because, as Bush put it to McCain in S. Carolina, 'It's just politics'. For the first time, I have decided that Clinton doesn't have the character to be president, character being just a teensy bit important in a presidential choice. For all my reservations about Obama, he is manifestly the better one. The very last thing we need now is another post-modern pol being president.

Clearly, this is exactly like Zimbabwe, since Mugabe and Obama are both black men. In fact, if you spell "Obama" backwards, remove the o and the extra a, add a g, and then hit "shuffle" you get Mugabe.

I blogged about this late last night, and got into it with a couple of commenters at another site, and their defense was--and I am not making this up--that the opening of the piece you quoted, Hilzoy, was biased and so you can't trust the context of the statement. When I pointed out that the statement was vile no matter the context, I was treated dismissively. The only way that statement isn't insulting to both Florida voters and Zimbabweans is if it's immediately followed with the statement "of course, here in the US we're not dealing with anything as serious as that."

she is a shameless, hollow, disgrace.

the more of herself that she shows us, the happier i am that she'll never be president.

I've been so good because I agree that Republicans were major drama queens with respect to the Clintons in the 1990s, but I can't take it any more.

The Clintons are divisive. That is what they do and who they are. When they decide you're an enemy, the don't worry about decency because you don't count any more and you will never count to them again. (Just ask the Democrat who proposed another health care plan around the time that Clinton proposed her plan, hmm I can't even remember his name. It was something common, how sad is that?) There have been no Republicans involved with Clinton's doings for months now, yet now is the time we hear not-particularly-crypto racism and general crazy-talk.

Bush is pretty much the same way.

We really don't need to add another 4 to 16 years of this. Obama offers the hope (maybe just a hope, but a hope nonetheless) that we can tone it down a touch and try doing useful things instead of always screaming at each other.

Maybe Republicans won't go along (though if they aren't careful they might not matter). But I don't know if you've ever noticed people fighting, but when they are both screaming at each other you tend to dismiss them both regardless of the merits. When one appears to be acting reasonable you tend to side with them just a touch (even if on the merits they aren't as grounded). Maybe that could happen in politics. Heaven knows we haven't tried it in decades.

Bush should probably avoid this. So, should Hillary. So should Americans. Who is allowed?

Does Hillary realize Zimbabwe is full of black people? That means it doesn't count.

I've worked very hard over the past months to tell myself that Hillary is a good candidate, she'd be a fine president, you can't blame her for campaigning hard, we'll need unity in November, etc. etc.

All to no avail. I hate her bleeping guts.

I thought that it was just the fanatical Hillary supporters at Talk Left and Taylor Marsh that were going through a meltdown, but low, I have been proven wrong. It's the entire campaign.

And so we have finally have the proof that she is sabotaging the Democrat's chance for the presidency in 2008. To say she ought to be ashamed is quite an understatement.

Damn apostrophes in the wrong place. Sorry. "Democrats'" obviously.

Gary Farber once yelled at me for not knowing the code to link to the internet the fancy way. That’s been weighing on my mind and I’ve finally learned to do it. I can grow.

For those who think that life under George Bush sucks, life sucks worse in Zimbabwe. And for those Zimbabweans who think that life sucks in Zimbabwe, life sucks even worse in South Africa, where people are beginning to show intolerance.

This despite the fact that back during the days of plenty of food, Zimbabweans and native South Africans showed strong solidarity in tearing down the two-legged one. Proving that four legs sucks worse.

The diversity in the faculties of men, from which the rights of property originate, is not less an insuperable obstacle to a uniformity of interests. The protection of these faculties is the first object of government.
-Attributed to James Madison, Federalist 10

I think I missed the 66000% inflation rate currently ravaging Florida....

Every time I need to remind myself just how far the Clintons have strayed, I say "What if a Republican had said this?" Democrats would be rightly offended by this comment, but myopic Hillary supporters justify it as being "tough" or a "fighter". Go away Hillary and take Karl Rove and Dick Morris with you!

And so tonight, to you, the great silent majority of my fellow Americans - hardworking Americans, white Americans - I ask for your support.

Another day, another chance of Hillary to display behaviors right out of the textbook definition of Psychopathy.

You cannot deal with a Psychopath. You can only destroy them like rabid dogs.

You cannot deal with a Psychopath. You can only destroy them like rabid dogs.

That comment is over the line, I think

You cannot deal with a Psychopath. You can only destroy them like rabid dogs.

That comment is over the line, I think

Posted by: Hartmut | May 22, 2008 at 01:40 PM\


They're a Hillbot troll trying to smear the comments and make the place look bad.

What scares me is that looking (quickly -- they burn my eyeballs) at pro-Clinton blogs like Talkleft, it looks like HC's supporters are eating this up. Is she really going to succeed in convincing a lot of people that the nomination was stollen from her -- and thus sabotaging Obama's general election chances?

libarbarian: that comment is indeed over the line. See the posting rules.

They're a Hillbot troll trying to smear the comments and make the place look bad.

libarbarian's definitely not a Hillbot.

Calling my girl Hillary a "psychopath."


Saying you "can only destroy them like rabid dogs" is a reference, I suppose to Hillary and her supporters -- like me.

Forget the psychopath reference. As the owner of three dogs -- CoCo, Bowser and Hamilton -- I take offense to the "rabid dogs" reference.

But go ahead:

Keep bashing Hillary, people.

If it makes you feel good, keep bashing Hillary.

Kind of makes you wonder about Obama's promise of "hope" and "change" and "unity" when his supporters bash his opponent so gleefully and, by extension, the millions of Democrats who have voter for her.

So the next time, you scream for Hillary to get out of the race, try instead to focus -- and live up to -- those ideas of hope and change and unity.

Or are they just ideas?

Just campaign slogans?

In addition to hilzoy's point about the disproportinate nature of the analogy, it's worth noting that the analogy works against Clinton in any case. See my post: 'The Democratic Republic of Michigan' -- we don't normally think that fraudulent elections with only one name on the ballot are a good guide to the will of the people.

Condemning a comment within ten minutes is obviously not fast enough, even if it is not one by an old hand but by a more or less drive-by. How many Ave Hillary do we have to pray to atone for that sin?
Btw, that comment would have been over the line independent of the person it is directed at (including certified psychopaths).

This despite the fact that back during the days of plenty of food, Zimbabweans and native South Africans showed strong solidarity in tearing down the two-legged one. Proving that four legs sucks worse.

I don't suppose you'd care to explain exactly who the two-legged and four-legged ones are in Zimbabwe and SA, would you Bill?


My point about the gleeful Hillary bashing -- in direct contrast to Obama's message of hope and change and unity -- not by the offensive commenter but by many of the Obama supporters here stands.

Keep bashing Hillary, folks.

It will serve the Democrats well in the GE.



It’s all gotta be part of the plan.

Back here was my comment:
“The persistence and depth of her misjudgment about what people will be able to believe just keeps on amazing me...I just couldn’t grasp it, and thus forced to grasp at straws, I figured; her campaign is FUBAR and it must be the squirmy Slimeball Penn’s fault.
But this sheds light.
The bogus spin is just a smokescreen.
She really thinks she did do those things she was talking about that aren’t (objectively) true. She isn’t hive-minded with Clever IsIs Bill. No.
She’s delusional.
They must know, and they’re humoring her.

(This had to do with Tuzla, of course.)
I’m ready to claim vindication.

Those closest to her understand: She’s mad, crazy, insane.
That’s why they’ve done all those unaccountably stupid things. They’re terrified for all of us if she won. They may even have encouraged her to show her colors, so people would catch on and practice due diligence in blocking her rise.

Makes sense to me.

Not that it isn’t all so incomprehensibly crazy.
Scary that she seemed (spin, I know) to come so close.

Or, just scary.
And not what we need. Now, or ever.

It's getting impossible to tell spoof from reality with Hillary people. I hope a regular tells me that bedtimeforbonzo is the Insane Fake Professor of ObWi...

I'm pretty embarrassed that so far the most asinine thing to come out of the campaign season has come from my own party. But since HRC knows good and well that Florida is not Zimbabwe, asinine isn't exactly the right word. I can't think of the right word to encapsulate so much craven calculation and unadulterated hypocrisy, though.

damn blockquote tag. That second para, obviously, is me to Bill.

shorter btfb: nice Party you have there. it would be a shame if something happened to it.

I’d be delighted to not feel compelled to speak negatively of Sen. Clinton.

It’s important to me that Obama seldom (relative to the opportunities) speaks of her in a way other than respectful.

I’m happy as well, or at least content, that anyone and everyone can speak up.
Thank Heaven for a haven like this, where I don’t have to endure the stomach-churning blood-boiling stuff.

But high-minded down-and-dirty from a candidate?

I protest; nor do I think, too much.

I understand you finding it distasteful; but it doesn’t necessarily derive from ill-will and deeply ingrained hostility.
It’s only that I deplore and reject her choice of actions.

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