by hilzoy
The major networks have called the South Carolina primary for Obama. I don't know what the final margins are, though I just heard it described as a "rout" on MSNBC. Given the exit polls and a bit of quick math, Obama has to have gotten over 50% of the vote, while Clinton and Edwards split the rest. I'll update when hard numbers come in.
Discuss away.
Two interesting things:
(1) CNN's exit polling:
That means: Bill Clinton's campaigning turned off nearly 2/3 of the people it influenced. And the difference between the number of people it turned off and those it brought to Clinton was something like 15% of voters. That's a lot of votes.
Also: check out this video at TPM, which Josh Marshall aptly describes as "Bill Clinton this afternoon discounting Barack Obama's expected victory in South Carolina by explaining that Jesse Jackson won the state twice ... "
Posted by: hilzoy | January 26, 2008 at 08:03 PM
Congratulations to your guy! Here's the racial breakdown from the exit polls.
Obama 81%
Clinton 17%
Edwards 1%
Edwards 39%
Clinton 36%
Obama 24%
Edwards' advantages elsewhere probably won't be as strong as in his native South Carolina, but these numbers show how it helps Obama to have a local white guy distracting potential Clinton voters in Southern primaries. With Edwards reducing Clinton's share of the white vote, Obama can win off of massive black turnout.
This in partly response to Publius' 'Edwards should drop out and endorse Obama' post from before. To the Obama campaign, Edwards is probably worth more alive than dead.
Posted by: Neil the Ethical Werewolf | January 26, 2008 at 08:10 PM
With only 20% precincts reported yet, it's not worth posting numbers yet, but here it says:
It seems also worth noting that McCain crushed Romney by 2-1, with Huckabee a reasonably close second (by figures so far, which may change dramatically).I've been leaning towards the view that ultimately Romney will pull it out by virtue of his ability to fund his campaign, and that the McCain hatred in the Republican Party will be stronger than the anti-Mormon vote and the doubts about Romney, but I have to say that my confidence in that leaning is very low.
It does seem, to state the utterly obvious, that whomever the Republicans nominate, a large chunk of Republicans won't be happy.
Posted by: Gary Farber | January 26, 2008 at 08:19 PM
This is a complete blowout.
Clinton won a single county. Edwards 2.
Looks like Obama will get all the delegates.
Looks like turnout is nearly DOUBLE this year that it was 4 years ago.
Posted by: flyerhawk | January 26, 2008 at 08:31 PM
Okay, at 60 percent of returns, Obama is up by twenty-seven percent. I can't remember the last time I saw such a decisive hammering in a Democratic primary this early.
Nothing decided, of course, but... daaaamn.
Posted by: mightygodking | January 26, 2008 at 08:36 PM
neil - good point. sounds very plausible to me
Posted by: publius | January 26, 2008 at 08:40 PM
Just listening to Hillary talk from Nashville. The supporters she names - Jane Eskind, Ned McWhirter - are really old-time Democrats. Eskind, IIRC, ran against Howard Baker for the Senate. Guess how that turned out.
Wonder who Harold Ford and Phil Bredesen are supporting.
Posted by: Bernard Yomtov | January 26, 2008 at 09:58 PM
The media tide on CNN and MSNBC has turned decisively against HRC.
(1) The moves in Florida are being framed as dirty tricks, as opportunism, as disenfranchisement, and as a willingness to break up the party for personal benefit. Clintons are playing into this by mentioning Florida as often as possible.
(2) The Republicans around (Bennett, et al.) concede that Obama would be the much tougher candidate to run against (while admitting that they just like him more).
(3) WJC's comparison of Obama to Jessie Jackson is being glossed as an effort to diminish and racialize the results.
(4) Have heard the words 'arrogant' and 'liar' used to describe the Clintons from mouths that would not ordinarily be considered partisan shills.
(5) Bill's picture is being shown more often on screen than Hillary's. Team Hillary keeps saying that they love Bill's role, but does it really do them good if he keeps upstaging her?
Posted by: Ara | January 26, 2008 at 10:39 PM
So now it's:
Posted by: Gary Farber | January 26, 2008 at 10:59 PM
Press coverage isn't surprising. One of their more prominent & less mentioned biases is the "we love & suck up to a winner" bias. It's a little bit gross even when it helps my candidate, but this was a very impressive win on many levels.
Posted by: Katherine | January 26, 2008 at 11:04 PM
Another touch:
Italics mine.Posted by: Gary Farber | January 26, 2008 at 11:58 PM
Wow. Just, wow. Obama's support and organization is not what I thought.
Posted by: someotherdude | January 27, 2008 at 02:39 AM
someotherdude: don't forget that he used to be, well, an organizer. And, by all accounts, a very good one.
Posted by: hilzoy | January 27, 2008 at 03:02 AM
Interesting. When I wrote my piece on the SC and Nevada ground games, SC had of course not yet happened, and so it was an open question whether Obama's attempt to go around the usual Democratic leadership, and also the business of paying pastors to get out he vote, would actually work.
Now we know
This is actually pretty significant for future races, I think, and, of course, for clean politics in SC generally.
Posted by: hilzoy | January 27, 2008 at 11:31 AM
wow. an impressive win!
i always worry when the world gives me hope.
Posted by: cleek | January 27, 2008 at 11:48 AM
Hmm: apparently, Ted Kennedy is going to endorse Obama. I will be interested to see what effect that has. Though I suspect that in MA, it will matter.
Posted by: hilzoy | January 27, 2008 at 01:42 PM
This is how you administer an appropriate stiletto:
You know. Back in the old days. Of the 20th century.A long. Long. Time. Ago.
Posted by: Gary Farber | January 27, 2008 at 01:49 PM
Parallel tracks.
Posted by: Gary Farber | January 27, 2008 at 01:53 PM
Obama's organization has got to be the most significant story of his political season. I mean, he's built this parallel system right along beside the Democratic Party establishment that is keeping toe to toe with them in contributions and in its election day ground game, while competing for the very same demographic of votes. That's just amazing. It's quite an accomplishment, and it speaks incredibly well for his organizational abilities. Not to mention the fact this is exactly what the Democratic Party itself needs to broaden its base and appeal.
And yet, and yet, not much a mention of this in the MSM. Just Bill's big face and a tit-for-tat about Ronald Reagan.
Posted by: Ara | January 27, 2008 at 02:03 PM