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December 26, 2007


Wrote them a small check.

Thanks so much for posting this. I have found this to be one of the most gratifying projects I've ever done, and certainly the one with the most impact. Every donation in every amount has made a huge difference to this project because of the number of people who are pitching in. If you're thinking of contributing, read the letter from the board of directors on the blog. Not only are we helping hundreds of women by providing a shelter, we're helping them heal historical trauma just by listening to them and believing their stories. It's as good of a Christmas story as there is.

Sounds like a good cause g'kar. I'll be sure to check it out!

Can I also suggest to your friends that they check out the new ideablob competition? It is basically an internet popularity contest run by a credit card company, but there is a $10,000 prize every month. My current idea to help promote fair trade products in developing countries is in the finals (South South Brands).

You can check it out and register to vote here:

Happy holidays!

Not noticing a more appropriate thread, I'll here mention Taxi To The Dark Side, a movie about Dilawar.

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