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November 04, 2007


Yeah, the Bush administration reminds me of the "Singing In the Rain" rape scene from _A Clockwork Orange_ .

Thrillingly repellent.

"Fourteen more months"

You mean when the poor sod or sodess who becomes President in 2009 sits down with their foreign policy team to pick through the wreckage and the new Treasury Secretary interrupts the meeting to announce that the plutocrats have crashed the world's stock markets because their stupid, effing tax rates went up a few marginal percentage points.

And all of the bitter little radio talk show demagogues and the Internet shitheads and the right-wing operatives seeded throughout the federal government and the righteous conservative think tanks once again resume their deafening roar of ideological whining and unAmerican thuggery?

It's never going to stop until it is made to stop.

"once again resume their deafening roar of ideological whining"

oh yes. indeed they will.
worse than that: we'll be treated to endless howls of "rule of law!", "more oversight!", "independent prosecutors!" and "limited government!"

if we ever get them out of power, they will immediately work to change all of the ground-rules again.

just like they changed filibusters from a sin against the constitution to a daily routine, as soon as they lost the senate majority.

and the media will let them do it.

Yup. If there is a new Democratic president in 2009, and if that person authorizes a real investigation of corruption and incompetence in the ranks with the firings that a good housekeeping will require...I would be unsurprised to see impeachment proceedings underway by the end of the year, along with every other delaying tactic I can imagine and some I can't.

America elects a new President one year from today.

Fourteen more months is right. Talk about a bag-job:

“I know that sometimes a Palestinian state living side by side in peace with Israel must seem like a very distant dream. But I know too, as a student of international history, that there are so many things that once seemed impossible that, after they happened, simply seemed inevitable. I’ve read over the last summer the biographies of America’s Founding Fathers. By all rights, America, the United States of America, should never have come into being."

Selling out the Founding Fathers costs nothing (glad she got the time to read about them after the Stanford gig). Here you go 44.

And now for something completely related:

"A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercise, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise, and independence. Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be the constant companion of your walk."
-- Thomas Jefferson, Aug 19th 1785

Dodd was probably playing there too. CIA NOCs usually blame Pakistan. I guess that's what Dodd wants.

I just keep repeating the phrase: Fourteen more months. Fourteen more months and this nightmare will be over.

Let's see, you have people in power who we know rigged the elections in 2000, 2004, and 2006 in order to get into, and stay in power.

What makes you think that the nightmare will be over in 2008? Bush got voted out in 2004, but look: he's still there...

May I suggest a musical rendition (sic) of this administration's optimistic attitude.
Alas, I fear that Rudy would^H^H^H^H^Hwill make us long for the responsible G.W. Bush.

-- I just keep repeating the phrase: Fourteen more months. Fourteen more months and this nightmare will be over.

Unless, of course, Bush follows Musharraf's lead.......

Unless, of course, Bush follows Musharraf's lead.......

Wait. I thought Musharraf was following Bush’s lead. I need a new dance card…

If Lebanon was "birth pangs of freedom" what do we call this? The Enema of Freedom? The Hemorrhoids of Democracy? The Stapph Infection of the Republic? The Gangrene of Justice? The Menstrual Cramps of Independence?

Look, Paris Hilton's panties...

Fourteen more months...until Giuliani. Enjoy the good times while they last.

To put on my McManus cap for a second, this is exactly what the Bushies want for the Dem prez elected next year (assuming Rudy doesn't somehow win, god help us) a world in flames, disastrous economy, etc. etc. etc., all of which will be blamed on the Dem prez in time for the 2012 election of Jeb.

Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!

let's finish this country once and for all.

-- I just keep repeating the phrase: Fourteen more months. Fourteen more months and this nightmare will be over.

I admire your optimism. I wish I could share it.

The Simpsons: cultural artifact or mind control artifice?

"Let's see, you have people in power who we know rigged the elections in [...] 2006 in order to get into, and stay in power."

They seem to have done a poor job that year.

Canada's MacLean magazine had a cover-story article about "AB" - after Bush - and pointed out that none of the leading candidates, contrary to popular wisdom, showed much interest in fundamentally changing America's exceptionalist stance in the world. That was, of course, especially true of the Republicans, but only marginally less true for the Democrats.

Gary, just to play devil's advocate, the response to your response to Jes' comment is that if they didn't cheat they would have lost even more seats in both houses and the majority would be enough to be veto-proof and all the other goodies that come with that.

Not believing, just saying.

Remember, these are the people who think that a nuclear bomb devastating Manhattan would be a PLUS for the Repubs in 2008. Not only would it bump Iraq from the headlines, there would be FEWER headlines, period.

none of the leading candidates, contrary to popular wisdom, showed much interest in fundamentally changing America's exceptionalist stance in the world

Hard to judge right now, isn't it?

"America - We're Not Any Better Than Those Other Countries" is not going to focus-group well. I just have a hunch.

I don't think anyone running on "changing America's exceptionalist stance" would have a prayer of winning. I'd just be happy with changing the exceptionalism more back toward "America: Shining City on a Hill" (problematic though that is) and away from "America: Biggest Bully on the Block" and the newly popular "America: Not as Bad as [Fill in Murderous Scum Here]".

"Not believing, just saying."

Anyone have any pointers for the best set of charges regarding 2006? I fear I missed even a presentation of the specific accusations.

"Thank heavens for small favors," the official said. Compared to Pakistan, "Iraq looks pretty good.""

Am I the only one that took the first comment as sarcasm? It appears to me the adviser was just saying the situation was grim, as in REALLY grim. The assumption here is that the comments were not delivered sarcastically. And coming from the Post, I would assume that the author wasn't exactly administration-friendly.

I'd go for "America, Always Striving to Improve" and than everybody can come up with their own byline.

"America: Would You Like Fries With That?"

Dodd and Fiji are doing the same as Pakistan, Pakistan is two weeks behind.

The evils that Bush and Cheney did will live after them. The good... well, there really wasn't any, was there? (Except making 65% of the country liberal.)

Fourteen more months.

If we're lucky, in fourteen months we all wake up in a strange room wearing someone else's clothes, sporting a hangover that would kill a horse. Our cash and credit cards are gone, the car is outside, stripped and up on blocks, and two big guys with bats are at the door saying they're here to collect the tab.

Oh yeah, there's dead guy wearing two wetsuits in bed next to us, with a note pinned to his chest that says "So long and thanks for the fish, signed, W".

If we're not lucky, in fourteen months Rudy yells "C'mon, the party's just starting!" and orders up another round for the house.

Am I the only one that took the first comment as sarcasm?

Apparently, yes.

Thanks -

Re looking on the sunny side, guess I have to hope this horrifying post at Sadly, No is mistaken.

Fourteen more months and this nightmare will be over.

Or at least, that's when a few adults can start cleaning up the mess. There are times I just feel dismayed.

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