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September 14, 2007


I like your post title, publius - and anyone interested in learning more about Iraq could not do wrong to read Sheehan's book of the same title. The same mistakes, over and over.

They (this President, the Next One) CAN'T reduce the US' presence in Iraq UNLESS they get to say it's because the US is "winning".

We should let them.

We should let them.

I'm fine with declaring victory and going home. So is virtually everyone else that opposes the war.

It's the pro-war side, in case you haven't noticed, which has repeatedly equated leaving with losing, withdrawal with surrender. They consistently diminish the hard work and sacrifices of our troops by arguing that if we leave now, the mission is an utter failure.

It would take two to play the game you propose.

If you actually watched the worthless shitstain's latest performance, I admire your intestinal fortitude. I simply won't waste time listening to Bush. Payday lenders and used car salesmen have more integrity than he does, and they're usually more articulate, too.

your last line is a bit odd:

"It's disgraceful, even for them".

context suggests that "them" must be wapo editorial board.

but context also suggests that "It's" must refer to bush's lie. (beginning of previous sentence: "It was a flatout lie, etc.").

so right now it looks like you are saying that bush's lie was disgraceful, even for the wapo editorial board. and that's a weird thing to say.

I think you telescoped two thoughts:

bush's lie was a disgrace.
wapo's failure to call him on it was a disgrace.

if that's what you meant, it might be better to spell that out in full.

unless i'm completely missing an obvious alternate construal, in which case, sorry.

Sglover: I've appreciated your commentary over the years at Plastic and elsewhere, both for what you have to say and how you say it. Nevertheless, you gotta tone it down in this forum.

People still watch that guy? I'm at the point where I'm just keeping my head down and grinding it out for the next 16 months or so. If I never hear another word King George the Lesser pops out of his miserable piehole, it won't bother me in the slightest.

yes - i meant bush.

and yes, also agree with Model 62. to be perfectly frank, i was skeptical of the posting rules when i came over (it was pretty much a free-for-all at LF). but, in time, i've grown to appreciate the respectful tone (which is interestingly self-enforced mostly -- we don't really chime in all that much). i think it creates a good foundational principle that furthers debate

Here are some more bright shining lies:

Nancy Peolosi: "Tonight, President Bush outlined a status quo strategy that leaves at least 130,000 American soldiers in harm's way as part of a 10-year occupation of Iraq."

Guess she's never heard of Patreus or the surge. But alteast these pigs can lie in the mud together.

Harry Reid: "After almost five years, tonight was just more of the same. It's not progress nor is it the strategy for success our troops deserve. And as long as President Bush keeps them in harm's way without clear purpose or achievable goals, Democrats will keep fighting to responsibly end this war."

Really, Dirty Harry? Enlighten us with the strategy that our troops deserve.

We all know you aren't really going to fight because of political reasons. You care more about politics than the troops. That much is obvious.

Who cares about these liars anyway? It's people like this that embolden the enemy and help get our soldiers killed.

I understand now. The average insurgent on the street in Iraq spends much of his time watching C-Span to be emboldened by the speeches of Harry Reid, but Osama bin Laden is so out of touch with American politics that he doesn't understand that when he releases a video endorsing Democratic positions it actually helps Bush.

Would somebody with keys please be so kind as to (re)ban bril 'grun'?

mmm. the pie.

The average insurgent on the street in Iraq spends much of his time watching C-Span

Whoa. That’s more stamina than I can muster. We’re doomed I tell ya’!

you begin to understand. There is a place for you in the next Republican administration, should you choose to accept it.

OCSteve-- I can't help but ask, is that "'" an indication you're leaning towards voting for Obama?

JakeB: I’m leaning towards staying home. ;)

Just saying that any insurgent with the stamina and fortitude to spend much of their time watching C-SPAN is one tough cookie. I can only take it in short measured doses, and then not too close to mealtimes.

Why ban grun? Just ignore him. Or point and laugh.

ITYM "A Stupid Tawdry Lie".

OT- U know what we don't get enough of around here at ObWi? Sports. And John Denver.

Seems like the neocons need us to stay in Iraq at least as long as it takes to ensure that it falls into chaos when we do leave.

Arming random Sunni terrorist groups, Shiite death squads and Kudish militias should do the trick.

Here are some more bright shining lies:

Nancy Peolosi: "Tonight, President Bush outlined a status quo strategy that leaves at least 130,000 American soldiers in harm's way as part of a 10-year occupation of Iraq."

Guess she's never heard of Patreus or the surge.

Yeah, she should have said "at least 160,000 American soldiers in harm's way ".

I was talking to my dad last night -- yesterday was his 62nd birthday, so I gave him a call -- and he said, "I never thought I would see the day when I hated a president so much that I wouldn't even bother to listen to his speeches on TV." This from a man who served 26 years in the Army, under presidents from Kennedy to Reagan, including numerous Vietnam combat tours, and he literally cannot stand to listen to Bush. If you're losing those kinds of military veterans, you are in real, real trouble.

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