by hilzoy
Riffing off a comment in publius' last thread, I suggest an ObWi party game: If blogs were forced to give equal time to opposing views, what truly horrible, yet somehow apt, pairings might result? In addition to the suggestion I left in the last thread, I propose the following:
Glenn Reynolds on Balkinization
Victor Davis Hanson on Pat Lang's Sic Semper Tyrannis
Pam of Atlas Shrugs on Juan Cole's Informed Comment
JihadWatch on Larry Johnson's No Quarter
Thomas of RedState on Slacktivist ...
Then there are a few that are a bit too obvious: NRO's Planet Gore on Deltoid, Michelle Malkin on Orcinus, Charles Johnson of lgf on Democratic Underground, and so on.
Any further suggestions?
Also, because I can, one of the Best Cartoons Ever, courtesy of one of our readers:
Jeff Goldstein on Sadly No!
Posted by: Ugh | July 16, 2007 at 11:39 AM
PZ Myers on Uncommon Descent
Scrappleface on Sadly No!
Posted by: cleek | July 16, 2007 at 11:42 AM
Dan Rhiel on Political Animal
Posted by: cleek | July 16, 2007 at 11:51 AM
Brad Delong on the WSJ Editorial page.
Posted by: Nate | July 16, 2007 at 12:07 PM
No, Ann Althouse on Feministing
Of course, the notion that the right side should always be away on the left's home fields is a bit suspicious. How about Steve Gilliard (rip, of course) given a spot on the Corner? Or Atrios getting to sub for the Perfesser? Greenwald on Volokh? Josh Marshall doing a gig at The Swamp? Tim Lambert doing a stint on John Lott's blog? The possibilities are endless.
Posted by: liberal japonicus | July 16, 2007 at 12:15 PM
bob mcmanus on redstate
Posted by: Ugh | July 16, 2007 at 12:18 PM
This week on The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, Hilzoy from Obsidian Wings takes over while Emperor Misha is on vacation.
Posted by: cleek | July 16, 2007 at 12:21 PM
The Editors on Andrew Sullivan's blog.
Posted by: Nate | July 16, 2007 at 12:25 PM
the froot loops one was my favorite (the few german words i still remember from college were in there)
Posted by: publius | July 16, 2007 at 12:27 PM
See, I sort of like some of these suggestions.
Posted by: Katherine | July 16, 2007 at 12:49 PM
I'd be delighted to read InstaDigby
Posted by: zmulls | July 16, 2007 at 12:49 PM
I shall not rest until Amanda Marcotte subs for Ace of Spades, Scott Lemiuex for Ann Althouse, and Roy Edroso for everyone on the Corner.
Posted by: SDM | July 16, 2007 at 12:55 PM
Giblets on the Volokh Conspiracy.
Posted by: KCinDC | July 16, 2007 at 01:36 PM
Giblets on the Volokh Conspiracy
A Giblets v. Eugene Volokh smackdown on some topic would be hilarious, especially since Volokh is so tone deaf on some things.
Posted by: Ugh | July 16, 2007 at 01:38 PM
Little Green Otters !
Posted by: cleek | July 16, 2007 at 01:55 PM
Charles Johnson (of lgf) on Juan Cole's website (informed comment).
Jane Galt on CrookedTimber.
Andrew Sullivan on the Eschaton.
The Powerline guys on Talking Points Memo.
Emperor Misha on Alas A Blog. (He could do a grand tour of all the major feminist blogs, wouldn't that be fun?)
Posted by: Sebastian Holsclaw | July 16, 2007 at 02:01 PM
She's not a blogger, because she's been posting to Usenet longer than blogs have existed, but I would highly recommend Michelle Malkin of alt.atheism to complement her namesake.
Posted by: Free Lunch | July 16, 2007 at 02:29 PM
Jane Galt on CrookedTimber
I think that pairing has already materialized in comment threads where she's taken an active part; a guest post would just be the next step.
The Hilzoy-on-Anti-Idiotarian-Rottweiler image is truly one of worlds colliding. The gentleness alone would baffle readers...
Posted by: Nell | July 16, 2007 at 03:01 PM
I'm . . .
cuckoo Foucault-cault Puffs!
cuckoo Foucault-cault Puffs!
cuckoo Foucault-cault Puffs!
Posted by: ChristianPinko | July 16, 2007 at 03:35 PM
Sure, it would be great if Fox News watchers were forced to hear liberals points of view.
But the real problem, as hilzoy alludes to, is false equivalence. The "fairness doctrine" plays against the reality-based community by automatically placing deranged rantings on the same level as substantive discourse.
Ask anybody familiar with the creation-evolution battle about the "Gish Gallop". Given equal speaking time, it's ridiculously easy for a dishonest, crazy, whatever person to spew out gobs of complete nonsense faster than a reality-based person can refute the claims, no matter how contrary to simple fact the claims are. When the moderator bangs his gavel, some of the false claims are going to be left unaddressed, and as a result lots of the people listening will assume that those claims are then correct, or at least not wrong, when the simple fact is that the person refuting them just didn't have enough time to do so.
Artificial "fairness" is anathema to substantive discussion.
Posted by: Joshua | July 18, 2007 at 07:39 AM
bob mcmanus on redstate
You could slot in bob pretty much anywhere. And I'd read it, too.
Posted by: CharleyCarp | July 18, 2007 at 07:47 AM