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June 21, 2007


the posting rules are preventing me from expressing my true feelings on this topic.

help, help, i'm being oppressed.

Hey, the anti-Nader backlash might be just the unifying force you need.

Nader...you must confront Nader. Only then a Jedi will you be.


What dismayed said.

He will get GOP backing, that's for sure.
Can we turn him somehow against Liebermann?

"Alternate Universe"??

"Time-Warp" is more like it: what's old Ralph's next lecture going to be after he analyzes the state of our politics? A rant about how we have to get the Corvair and the Pinto off the roads?

Let's see:

Attack Iran if they don't obey our directions:

Republicans: Hell Yes!
Democrats: Well...we need to keep our
options on the table

Expand the military?
Republicans: Hell Yes! More money! More
troops! More profits!
Democrats: Yes. We need to "help" the
benighted savages, don't you
Eviscerate the economy in the name of "free trade" and corporate profits?
Republicans: Hell Yes! More money for us!
Democrats: Yes, but we will set up
underfunded government loan
programs so that 52 year olds
can spend three years and
learn a useless new career!
Health Care?
Republicans: Best system in the world!
Democrats: Best system in the world.
But, let's work with our
buddies in the insurance
industry to set up a
nightmare maze of inadequate
government programs to sorta
address the issues.

Godbothering and Religious Pandering?

Republicans: Separation of church and
state is a liberal myth.
The earth is 6,000 years old.
Bring on armageddon!
Democrats: We need to pander to
religious people! Maybe we
can adopt all of the
Republican programs without
really believing in the
mythology behind them!
That's the ticket!

Yep. BIGGGGG Differences there. Keep on Thanksralphing because your Party is as useful as the Whigs in 1856.

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