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May 07, 2007


I’m feeling contrarian today, but you give me nothing to work with here :)

When originally conceived, this was an excellent program: Seniors got better coverage for less flexibility in choosing care, but like the fake HMOs that pushed out the real ones, the original program has been mangled beyond recognition.

Is there a better argument for single-payer universal health care?

"unscrupulous salespeople"

I'll have you know that commissioned salespeople receive extensive training in effective methods of separating you from your money as they get "product" out the door and live the American dream.

Don't you people realize that truth would kill capitalism as we know it? I suppose you want the government to mandate large print over small print? Think of the overhead. A truly free people want no print whatsoever.

I hope this sort of hate for our great country's precious bodily fluids is confined to the Net.

See, the trouble is not that sellers lie and cheat. It's that buyers don't lie and cheat right back.

Play the game, people!

I do not avoid Medicare Advantage salespeople, Thullen. But I do deny them my essence.

Did you first discover this during the physical act of love?

You know, Hilzoy, I have a monthly sales quota to meet over here. A set of steak knives is riding on this.

Everyone has a price at which they will relinquish their essence.

If that were not so, the National Product would be insufficiently Gross.

You've heard economists speak of the "velocity of money". They are referring to the speed with which your money travels into my tax-free offshore accounts.

Let me talk to my sales manager and maybe we can throw in a free undercoating for your essence.

Last guy I had in here, nice fella, family man, salt of the earth, went away without the undercoating.

Soon as you can say "subprime mortgage", he had rusty essences.

Say you're sick. Say you need health insurance. Then I wouldn't say you're sick, if I were you.

Word to the wise.

While we're on the subject of govt waste, there's also this in today's NYT.

Student loans are another reasonable-cost government service that has been turned into a high-cost product by privatizing.

The problem isn't the Republicans here. They're expected to try to feed money to their constituencies. The problem is the 'Republican-lite' DLC types who have either bought into the lie that private business is more efficient than government or are just carrying water for big business.

Another good example of the big business bias of new laws is the NCLB tutoring program that requires audited financials before you can qualify to be considered to be an NCLB tutor. Let's make sure that retired teachers and other qualified tutors don't even have a chance at this pot of money.

Exhibit A (well, G or P or X) that what we have in the contemporary GOP is not a bunch of libertarian free-marketeers who believe that government should just stay out of the way of business, as I generally believe. Rather, the GOP is a bunch of a statist proto-fascists; they want government to take an active role in tilting the playing field toward certain types of businesses.

Big government is beautiful if you're a Republican benefitting from its largesse.

John Thullen needs to start his own blog. I would read it daily, perhaps even hourly.

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