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December 09, 2006


There is something borderline psychotic in Bush's response to this whole situation.

And he is almost exclusively using the term commander-in-chief to describe himself of late. He seldom uses the word President.

That in and of itself is very telling.

Bush's delusional state is your friend. Sure Iraq is a catastrophe happening in mere months, but that's unavoidable now. If Bush realizes how much sh*t he's in, I have full confidence he could find a way to make it worse.

This period in his presidency reminds me of the process of "intervention" used to try to help addicts recognize their problem. A gathering of all of those close to the addict confronting him at the same time. Success usually depends upon all of one's loved ones telling the addict the same thing over and over. The reason this won't work for our current president is that 10 -20% of us ( wing nuts) are still telling him what he wants to hear. His addiction to having to be right will continue, I suspect.

you go to war with the president you have...

Oddly enough, I'm construing (I am the Construer) the fact that Bush still refers to himself in the first person as a positive sign. Were he referring to himself in the third person (The Construer does not surmise, he construes, and all surmising and construing by others shall now cease) like Nixon did for a scary little while, I might be afraid.*

Nixon would answer questions by saying "The President decides..." or "The Commander-in-Chief commands.." His 1972 campaign bumper stickers said "Reelect the President". One had the feeling that if George McGovern had been elected, HE would have had to come up with some new titles because "President" was already taken.

Nixon was like a method actor playing a Shakespearean King who, in a bat---- sort of way, stayed in role at all times so as not to break concentration. Then he started sending the rest of the cast and the assistant directors to the tower, and you knew the guy had become dangerously whacked.

It would have been funny, at least, if a reporter had asked him "Does the President believe we should ..? and Nixon had replied, like the man behind the curtain, "I'm not sure. Next time I see him, I'll ask him."

Bush is more like Barney Fife. Andy has headed up to Raleigh for a Sheriff's convention and Barney is now acting Sheriff. He walks the beat, breaking up the lady's social for too much tippling, proclaiming "I am the Sheriff of Mayberry, and I play the deadly game. I'm in it for keeps."

Our job is to humor him, even from the jail cell, because after all Otis, now deputized, will tell us that the key is hanging right there, within reach from inside the cell.

Andy will be back soon.

Has anyone seen the bullet? I hope Andy took it with him and it's not still in Barney's shirt pocket.**

*Hilzoy, like Aunt Bea, will be the one to tell Barney that he's full of crap and slap some sense into him. Of course, if she then starts writing posts that begin "The Hilzoy would like to bring something to your attention...", we, the city fathers and mothers, will know that Mayberry needs a S.W.A.T. team, if we can find the funding without offsets. ;)

**O. K., he's got all the bullets. Scratch all theories and run for the hills.

"To manage that, you need to be able to pretend the doubts aren't there: to pull off some psychological equivalent of putting your fingers in your ears and screaming 'I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!' Because the moment you let those doubts really sink in, the abyss opens."

About 35 years ago I saw that this delusional irrresponsibility was even more characteristic of the 20-30 percent that was the core base than of the President they elected. Nixon resigned over the protests of his supporters. That two generations later there is a new batch of crazies that approach 1/3 of the electorate should be terrifying. What can be done?

We have to impeach him. And then impeach Cheney. If Bush resigns, impeach Bush anyway, take away his pension, privileges, Secret Service protection, immunities. Then send him to the Hague. A French commenter at Kos said the Europe demands it. America must repent, expiate, and suffer penance and consequences. Our crimes may not be shrugged off.

The whole world is watching.

Andy has apparently died in a Raleigh hospital from a mysterious radioactive poison.

Otis looks nervous. Gomer is fashioning torture devices from the tools at the gas station. Helen Crump has the third graders outfitted in Barney Youth uniforms. The party-line telephone is tapped. Opie can be faintly heard gagging and screaming from the depths of City Hall.

Barney has declared: "Barney Fife is Don Knotts and Don Knotts is your worst nightmare!"


Gilliard has been saying for a long time that Bush will not serve out his term. The boy can pout after Baker and Poppy slapped him down, but they will get him out before he starts costing real money.

"Bush is scaring people who don't scare easily. Like Jim Baker"
I could link to Glenn Greenwald, but he has multiple excellent posts today. All very cynical. The Beltway is moving into self-preservation, and will sacrifice Bush if necessary, as they sacrificed Nixon. If we care about the country, we have to make it very expensive for them. Cheney, Rumsfeld, Poppy Bush, Greenspan all survived and prospered after Watergate.

This is not about Bush, but about his enablers.

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