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July 23, 2006


I am belatedly reading Niall Fergueson's Colossus (2005, p.49): "It was not a pleasant war [in the Philippines 1901]; nor was it to be the American military's last taste of jungle warfare against guerrillas indistinguishable from civilians. Senior officials swiftly resorted to harsh measures: Brigadier General Jacob H. Smith ordered his men on the island of Samar to take no prisoners (...): I wish you to kill and burn, the more you kill and the more you burn the better you will please me ..."

So, what happened to the general? Wikipedia has the answer: "In May of 1902, Smith faced court-martial for his orders, being tried not for murder or other war crimes, but for "conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline". The court-martial found Smith guilty and sentenced him "to be admonished by the reviewing authority." "Admonishment" is a verbal reprimanded. To ease the subsequent public outcry in America, Secretary of War Elihu Root recommended that Smith be retired. President Theodore Roosevelt accepted this recommendation, and ordered Smith's retirement from the Army, with no additional punishment."

In view of the Oliver North charade (now a FOX host), America's officers can still expect lenient treatment.

Next time you watch A Few Good Men, remember, in reality the bad guys win, even if some guys and girls keep up the good fight. Thanks, Katherine.

It is heartening to think about the fact that this sickening behavior is coming out (slowly) because there are people who want to see it stopped.

What is really different right now is the large number of people who affirmatively defend this behavior anyway, or refuse to see anything wrong with it. It contiues to thrive despite being exposed to scrutiny.

The "few bad apples" theory is part of the official lie to conceal the extent of the torture regime (or to distinguish "torture lite" from true organ failure torture). Funny how there are no Power Point presentations concerning the non-torture methods of interrogation so that there are fewer bad apples, instead of carefully organized justifications for torture that no doubt helped some of those apples go bad.

The situation is kind of like Bush's famous remark about the terrorists -- you are either for the torturers or you are against them. Being a Bush supporter makes you a supporter of the torture regime. Sorry -- no middle ground anymore.

Thank you Katherine.

the danger in relying on "half" quotes is that the meaning of the phrase gets distorted.


That is the actual phrase. Obviously, the phrase "a few bad apples" without the rest suggests, contrary to the obvious meaning of this old bromide, that a "few bad apples" is nothing to worry about. However, tack on the REST of the saying and it is obvious why the "few bad apples" are a problemn.

Too late for the United States though. The whole barrel is already spoiled. American taxpayers have become Nazi-like enablers. Many will, as the "good Germans" did, go along to get along. They will watch like stupid cows, as their neighbors are carted off, "disappeared" under the auspices of der Shrubenfuhrer's unlimited powers. The ass-clown Congress of life will be relegated into permanent oblivion and the whorelike courts, all appointed by der Chimperor, will rubber stamp anything and everything.

But hey...it's just a "few bad apples"...right?

Enjoy new Weimar sheeple....it's way too late now.

Oh BTW Election 2006 will be decided by Diebold as were the last THREE national elections. The REPUBLIC is dead. You have a full blown fascist dictatorship now.

My disgust is immeasureable.

The only thing I can say is the outside temperature wasn't 135. The record for Baghdad (absolute, not humidity adjusted) is 127F.

I don't know, hopeful signs aside, how to fix this. A root and branch cleansing is in order, but to what degeee, mere cashiering of anyone who might be tainted (which would probably include me) with jail for anyone who can be proved to have taken part, or a mere purge of anyone who took part.


The detainees at Nama deserved what they received. One in particular was responsible for the bombing of several hundred iraqi civilians. His time in the black room was nothing compared to the loss experienced by the families of his victims.

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