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January 06, 2006


It's the free market at work!

I'd forgotten this. Way to get "Man of the Year," Bill!

"...that fact that with great power and riches come great responsibilities."

I have to point out, by the way, that you are quoting that ancient philospher, Stanly Lieber, aka "Stan Lee," speaking in the voice of, yes, Spider-Man. His Uncle Ben, anyway. "With great power comes great responsibility."

Don't bother googling for antecedents, they're all indirect, and plenty of folks have looked into it over the years. (Although, hey, knock yourself out, anyone, if you like; you'll certainly find variations and quasiquotes, to be sure.)

It's wiser than "Hulk smash," to be sure, and has the virtue of being correct.

Stanley Lieber, darn it.

Actually, Stan Lee now legally (just to be pedantic).

you just wanted to spell Spiderman wrong again, didn't you Gary?

Stan Lee is now legally a pederast? Damn!

Whoops, slight mis-cross-reading of threads. It happens with a towel over one's head.

I do quite like both Spider-Man movies, though. I think they work simply as films, but I can't say I see them without bias. (Although, in comparison, I wouldn't recommend Fantastic Four to anyone who didn't grow up on the comic book.)

Don't start me. I'll have to talk about what works about Dr. Doom and what doesn't, and we'll all be sorry. Not to mention that Willem Dafoe should never be put behind an immobile mask.

Ugh. "With great power..." Did the movie Spiderman have a moral? It must have been too subtle for me.

"Did the movie Spiderman have a moral?"

Probably not, but the movie Spider-Man certainly did, and it was the entire point. It wasn't remotely subtle, either. Edward gave it away.

I'm sure that it was invisible to those who approached it with hands clapped over their eyes.

Hmm, I'll have to recalibrate the sarcasm emitters and smiley emoters then. ;) Ah, much better.

Edward_ posting again is sort of like having a substitute teacher, and the bad child in the class is alway trying to challenge him, not that I know anything about Spiderman vs Spider-Man.

It's totally "Spider-Man." Batman has changed from "Bat-Man" to "Batman" over the ages, but Peter Parker's alter ego is still hyphenated. I have Gary Farber and the terrifyingly pedantic John Byrne to back me up here.

Back on topic: according to Brooke Richardson, the blog was taken down at the Chinese government's request, and not on MS's own initiative (via The Peking Duck). This is still pretty queasy, but paints a slightly different picture - it's not Microsoft jumping to censor a site to avoid irritating Beijing, it's Beijing specifically making a request and Microsoft bowing to that request. Microsoft is guilty of compromising its principles under pressure, but not guilty of a reflexive urge to censor.

"you just wanted to spell Spiderman wrong again, didn't you Gary?"

Hulk smash.

(I'm actually pretty annoyed that I spent $10 the other week to buy the Hulk computer game, so I could take out my aggression on pictures and sounds on the screen and speakers, and hope to do so a bit less on silly words from silly, but real, people on the same screen, only to find that it crashes in mid-installation, and the other hope found on the internet is messages from other people who have experienced the same crash, while the company support page ignores the entire issue. But so it goes, no matter that that was a huge proportion of my entertainment budget for 2006. So it goes.) Oh, well, the mountains are still beautiful, and free.

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