I review the bad habits spread before me:
The wine, the cheese, the bourbon and gin;
The drinking-too-much-on-the-odd-school-night;
The chips and crackers (the better to have cheese with);
The smokes that diminish, one-by-one -- but now only only every other month;
The hours wasted on blog posts, and comments, and arguments that never will be resolved; and,
The work that never seems to end and yet I can't say no to it, and it comes more more more like I'm a hungry sparrow-chick.
All you damn bad habits.
Yes, I think I'll keep you all.
Happy New Year!
von: Happy new year, and definitely keep the blog posts habit ;)
Posted by: hilzoy | January 03, 2006 at 06:52 PM
Happy new year Von, and definately keep the posting habit :)
Posted by: dutchmarbel | January 03, 2006 at 07:00 PM
Since this seems to be an open thread, I present this speech Canadian PM Paul Martin gave today, in case anybody was wondering if they'd ever hear a speech like you see on The West Wing come out of a real politician:
Posted by: chdb | January 03, 2006 at 08:47 PM
I hear ya. Oh how I hear ya.
Posted by: Kelley bell | January 03, 2006 at 08:48 PM
Or to quote that old louche supporter of the Greek insurgency:
Oh Pleasure! you're indeed a pleasant thing,
Although one must be damn'd for you, no doubt:
I make a resolution every spring
Of reformation, ere the year run out,
But somehow, this my vestal vow takes wing,
Yet still, I trust, it may be kept throughout:
I'm very sorry, very much ashamed,
And mean, next winter, to be quite reclaim'd.
Posted by: Delicious Pundit | January 03, 2006 at 11:25 PM
Anyone else catch the Adult Swim bumps on their New Year's Resolutions?
Posted by: Anarch | January 04, 2006 at 01:45 AM
"John woke on Jan. 1st and felt queer.
He said 'Crackers I'll swear off this year;
For the lobster and wine
And the brandy were fine,
And it certainly wasn't the beer!'"
(19th century limerick, recalled from mid-20th century memory)
Posted by: dr ngo | January 04, 2006 at 02:22 AM