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January 15, 2006


I think Colts fans are like the new version of Red Sox fans or something. "This is THE year it finally happens."

I hope you guys don't have to wait that long, but it won't be happening this year.

I love ya, von, but count me among the minions. Go Steelers!!

Steelers 4life!

btw, that's 21-3.

oh, and sorry about that interception.

oh, and sorry about that interception.

It ain't an interception until it's been called by the official, baby.

Touchdown, Colts. Let's add the two points: 21-18.

(Granted, tho', that the Colts are not executing well.)

argh. hang on, fellas.



Also, phew.


Go Steelers!

N.b. that "wide fucking right" is in fact a technical term of art in football viewing, and thus not a violation of any ObWi policies. Any true football fan will attest to this.

What are you people talking about? The football season ended yesterday.

The Irsays deserve this for what they did to Baltimore.


(sigh). I was glad to see the Pats lose, but spite only gets you so far.

N.b. that "wide fucking right" is in fact a technical term of art in football viewing, and thus not a violation of any ObWi policies. Any true football fan will attest to this.

Thanks, Anderson.

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6. Obsidian Wings is the last letter of the Greek alphabet.
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I know it's true because I read it on the Internets.

What are you people talking about? The football season ended yesterday.

Nah, it ended on the 4th. This is just the desultory wrap-up.

Comment of the Week:

N.b. that "wide fucking right" is in fact a technical term of art in football viewing, and thus not a violation of any ObWi policies. Any true football fan will attest to this.

Speaking as a lapsed 'true football fan' (though I have to renew my membership now that Seattle has, quite inexplicably, found itself in the playoffs), I will avow, attest, and swear to the fact that the f-word, in all its declensions and tenses, is a necessary term of art in football viewing as regards any play, player, coach, penalty call, and bit of color commentary. And sometimes the commercials, too.

And the referees' immediate family.

I feel your pain, von. After all, I've been a long-suffering Seachickens fan. Finally, we have a team.

One other thing. As much as I do feel your pain, von, I don't think there should be any exceptions to the use of profanity, even though it is an accepted NFL technical term.

Sorry von. It's just that you'll never win a thing with Peyton Manning. The Mannings are losers.

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