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November 19, 2005


That's more than enough to pay for the flu program. So what about it, Speaker Hastert? Why not rescind these two tax cuts and use the money to prepare for avian flu?

Because Tamiflu is the vaccine of Satan, and in 0.003% of projected observed results lead to cuddling. Dancing, even.

No, best to keep the economy purring by allowing Conrad Black to afford a better defence team.

Or for that matter, simply reining in some of the other increases in spending approved in the latest rounds of gigantic pork spending. I prefer avian flu protection to useless bridges for Republican districts.

The Repubs buddies, big Pharma, aren't interested in vaccines, so the Repubs aren't. Why do anything if you can't throw the business to a crony?

If anyone gets sick it's simply because they lacked the will to stay healthy.

What are they trying to hide by no longer releasing the M3 numbers?

NPR killed them on this Friday. About time. I needed a sunny day.
William Polley has a lengthy piece on M3 here: (nov 16)

Polley added to my blogroll, along with Thoma, Rithholz, Altig, etc. Weird indeed are the laymen econoblog groupies.

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