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October 15, 2005


I spent the better part of a year listening obsessively to the ARF Radio Network in Germany. The sense I got from listening in was that there was a central authority who would take care of you, but that there were any number of omnimously invoked (yet vague) pitfalls that the less virtuous might fall into. Of course the AFN shows that talked about money were those associated with the demon NPR, which got minimal and marginalized airtime compared to Rush, Dr. Laura, and very anodyne central military news productions.

Comical. Sad and comical. Wait until we see all these fellows on the street with their 'wounded in iraq, please give money' scrawled in magic marker on a card board sign. Unfortunately for them the marker is not really all that magical, and we only give in bursts. 'Ah,' they perhaps may think, 'If only I was wounded in a natural disaster.'


They're only trying to move the US back into the 19th century, one step at a time. "And we leave to the streets and the workhouse the charge of the Light Brigade!" Rudyard Kipling

Well, now we know what an invasion run by Al Capone would look like.

Well, now we know what an invasion run by Al Capone would look like.

Well, now we know what an invasion run by Al Capone would look like.

Wow, I only hit post once.

Wow, I only hit post once.

(No, Tim; now we know what a country run by Al Capone would look like.)

The difference between the Borgias and the Bushes is that the Borgias left a legacy of great art, architecture and literature.

You missed the bit last year where the soldiers landed in hospital and their fellow-soldiers were trying to get clothes and such for them.

The military gives them a $250 voucher to buy clothing and toiletries at the BX, but many are not ambulatory, and those who are have to wait for a bus to get down to the BX on Ramstein 7 miles away. The BX runs out of the clothing and it takes weeks for more to come in. Those who can go to the BX still need something to wear to get there!

The cadets are collecting new clothing and toiletries to that they can take to the wounded at LRMC. Below is a list of items the wounded need. It is cold here in Germany and warm items are needed.

I seem to recall that the wounded soldiers actually had to pay for their hospital meals too.

It's all part of the bankruptcy bill hilzoy, didn't ya know?

Can't have those free loaders running up all sorts of debt and then try and get out of it by having one or more limbs blown off, nossiree, that's an abuse of Chapter 7 (or whatever). If we allowed that, soon everyone with credit card debt, even if only a few hundred dollars, will start amputatin' limbs left and right to take advantage of the loophole, and pretty soon half the country will be debt (and limb) free. After all, it's an easy choice between lopping off your left hand (especially if you're right handed) and paying off your credit card bill.

Plus think of all the future ADA plaintiffs that would result if we didn't come down hard on these guys.

Sending debt collecters after maimed soldiers: good for America.

July 7, London Bombing - a coincidence?

Many strange facts from highly credible sources are coming in regarding the recent London bombings. The most astonishing is the following conversation which took place the afternoon of the London bombing on BBC radio. The BBC host interviewed Peter Power, Managing Director of Visor Consultants, which bills itself as a 'crisis management' advice company. Peter Power was a former Scotland Yard official.

POWER: At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.

HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this, and it happened while you were running the exercise?

POWER: Precisely, and it was about half past nine this morning. We planned this for a company, and for obvious reasons I don't want to reveal their name but they're listening and they'll know it. And we had a room full of crisis managers for the first time they'd met. And so within five minutes we made a pretty rapid decision that this is the real one, and so we went through the correct drills of activating crisis management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking.

Mr. Power repeats these statements on ITN television. The two-minute video clip is available HERE.

"CRISIS PLANNING: When there is an emergency like the London bombings, the public instinctively turns to professionals for help. We speak to two experts who are in Toronto today for the World Conference on Disaster Management. Adrian Gordon is the Executive Director of the Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness, and Peter Power is Managing Director of a London-based consulting firm that specializes in crisis management, Visor Consultants - which on the morning of July 7 was co-incidentally running a security exercise for a private firm, simulating multiple bomb explosions in the London Underground, at the same stations that were subsequently attacked in real life."

A year or so ago Molly Ivins commented that, back in 1980, she figured there'd at least be one good thing from Reagan winning the presidency - he'd fix the deficit. She figured that Republicans were businessmen, and understood accounting, and bottom lines, and such.

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