by hilzoy
Everyone's favorite appalling megalomaniacal dictator, Saparmurat Niyazov (aka Türkmenbashi), is back in the news. A few days ago he banned lip-synching:
"Unfortunately, one can see on television old voiceless singers lip-synching their old songs," Niyazov told a Cabinet meeting in comments broadcast on state TV on Tuesday. "Don't kill talents by using lip synching… Create our new culture."
(I guess Milli Vanilli won't be stopping in Ashgabat on their next world tour. Türkmens everywhere must be crushed.)
Today comes word of an even greater service to humanity:
"Turkmenistan's idiosyncratic President, Saparmurat Niyazov, has found an unusual way to spread his message - by sending his writings into space. Part One of the Ruhnama was blasted off on a Russian Dnepr booster rocket from Kazakhstan's Baykonur launch site on Wednesday, local media said. (...)"The book that conquered the hearts of millions on Earth is now conquering space," said an article in the official Neitralny Turkmenistan newspaper."
You might be inclined to think of this as just another one of Türkmenbashi's pointless grandiose gestures. But I think it's actually the beginning of a new and extremely significant move towards protecting the planet from alien invasions. -- I have a friend (who sometimes reads this blog -- hi, Steve!) who once had a jacket of a peculiar purply color, which he claimed was bulletproof: according to him, any bullets in his vicinity would take one look at the color of his jacket, start to giggle uncontrollably, and fall harmlessly to the ground. Obviously, bullets can't either see or giggle. But space aliens can! If they intercept the Kazakh rocket and start leafing through Part One of the Ruhnama, they'll find passages like this:
"In "Ruhnama" the Türkmen people's historical consciousness, matured over thousands of years, and their moral power and strength are drawn together."Ruhnama" is a ship. This ship is chartered to bear the news of the past to the future over the vast sea of Türkmen history.
Ruhnama is a courier. This courier transmits the past's secret and necessary news to the future.
Therefore, I say: If the spirit of Türkmen is the universe then "Ruhnama" cannot replace or fully represent it. At least this is impossible in terms of its breadth.
Nevertheless, "Ruhnama" must be the centre of this universe. In this universe, all the current and the future cosmic matters should go on spinning, in Ruhnama's attraction, centripetal force and orbits."
They'll look at each other and say: No kidding, a book cannot "replace or fully represent" the universe "in terms of its breadth". That would have to be one really broad book! They'll start to giggle: But hey: at least everything else in the universe can be explained in terms of "Ruhnama's attraction, centripetal force and orbits." Maybe one of them will try running round and round the Ruhnama, trying to see whether he can feel its attraction, and another will say: Silly alien, you're obviously not spinning fast enough! And eventually, they'll be laughing so hard that their spaceships will careen out of control and smash into the asteroid belt, and humanity will be saved!
And all thanks to the magnanimous heart and gracious spirit of Türkmenbashi! (Don't laugh: it's a lot more plausible than SDI.)
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