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August 08, 2005


I did exactly that about a year ago, when O'Reilly went on a similar crusade against the ACLU. I became a member and I sent Falafel Boy a copy of my confirmation email, along with a note saying that I joined because of his rant. Never heard a word back from him, but I'm glad I did what I did, and I hope hilzoy inspires others to do the same.

I'm in.

But when he gets his F.O.I.L. superpowers then what will we do?

Strangely, I've never been a card-carrying member of the ACLU, though I did look into working for them. That changes tomorrow. Thanks, Bill, on behalf of their budget.

We will miss Peter Jennings very much indeed if this is the quality of his successors.

R.I.P to a great reporter.

Peter Jennings and Robin Cook in one day. Talk about empty places in the world.

Thanks for the heads up, at least my little blog is safe now.

I like some of the things that the ACLU does and not others. But O'Reilly is on crack if he thinks: "No organization in America enables terrorism as much as the ACLU, period."

First of all there are some shady Muslim 'charities' in the US which support Al Qaeda and Islamist extremism far more directly than the ACLU (and I emphasize FAR more). Furthermore if we expand our horizons beyond legal organizations, I strongly suspect that some drug-running organizations support Al Qaeda with money. (It is an Islamist two-fer, supply the evil enemy with the decadent powder. The fact they use it only proves their decadence. They also get money from selling it. What could be better?)

So if we want to stretch it a bit, by having such strict anti-drug laws as to make dealing them so profitable, the US government is the single most dangerous organization in terms of supporting terrorism.

Speaking of sad for the world deaths Cuban Singer Ibrahim Ferrer just died.

That reminds me, time to renew my ACLU membership (and EFF too.)

Felafel? Falafel? Tastes great no matter how you spell it.

Thanks for the reminder, Hilzoy. My ACLU membership expired several weeks back and I'd been procrastinating on the renewal. I just fixed that.

it's depressing that this guy is as popular as he is

... oh and yes Hilzoy, thanks for the reminder. my renewal was overdue.

I have this fantasy that one day one of his quests will turn to him and talk about the REAL isue. O'Reilly will ask some question like, "Why does the ACLU support terrorism?" and the guest will say, "You're a sex pervert." He'll say, "But seriously, how can we keep ourselves safe from the ACLU?" and the guest will say, "Why does FOX employ you when you are a sex pervert?" and start reading some of his quotes. Why don't guests ever turn on creeps like O'Reilly?

"Why don't guests ever turn on creeps like O'Reilly?"

Because it's a sure way to never be invited to that or any similar show again. If you are there for any reason other than personal satisfaction (e.g., supporting an agenda or believing your career will be helped by appearing on camera), you have just committed professional suicide.

Thanks for the push Hilzoy.

I just sent 'em some cash.


O'Reilly's latest reminds me of the signs Nazis used to post on Jewish-owned businesses warning people not to shop there.

It's where we're headed. The signs are clearer every day.

Amazingly, I haven't been a card-carrying member of the ACLU for years. Thanks to Bill O'Reilly, I've just remedied that.

But, folks: if the ACLU were out of business, what organization would cranks like Bill O'Reilly have to focus their crankery on? Who would they have to single out to be the officate bete noire of the VRWC? Who else would provide such a useful readymade strawman/whipping boy?
Truth is, if the ACLU didn't exist, some rightwing blowhard would have to invent it.
(And the country as a whole would still be better off)

"if the ACLU were out of business, what organization would cranks like Bill O'Reilly have to focus their crankery on? Who would they have to single out to be the officate bete noire of the VRWC?"

I'm sure the VRWC would be able to make do with AI, ICRC, NYT, and of course that golden oldie, the UN.

I once worked for the ACLU for a summer during college (and all I got was a lousy t-shirt!), but I've never been a card-carrying member. I'll remedy that shortly. Also, the t-shirt was pretty cool

I'm sure the VRWC would be able to make do with AI, ICRC, NYT, and of course that golden oldie, the UN.

Don't forget the most egregiously pro-terrorist institution of all: the Democrats.

I've joined the ACLU and AI because of people like Mr. Loofah (not to mention this administration). Now I have to remember to pick an environmentalist group too ;-)

Don't forget the most egregiously pro-terrorist institution of all: the Democrats.

Been listening to Michael Savage again, Anarch? I know you just can't help yourself.

Been listening to Michael Savage again, Anarch? I know you just can't help yourself.

It's true; you've discovered my secret life. After he told a caller that he was a sodomite and deserved to get AIDS and die, well, I knew then and there I was hearing the Voice Of God(tm) On Earth.* How could I help but saturate myself in his revelations?

And trust me: when Michael Savage saturates, he really saturates.

* That's God(tm), the registered trademark version, not your everyday plebian deity.

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