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July 13, 2005


Sebastian: I'm so sorry.

Condolences, Seb. I'll say a prayer for her.

(I have a Japanese grandfather. Never met any of my grandparents, though).

My condolences, Sebastian.

I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing this tribute with us, though.

I'm sorry. It's a truly lovely story, to simply adopt grandchildren you meet in church. Thanks for posting this.

My condolences.

My condolences, Seb.

Losing a grandparent... some of the loss is awfully subtle. It wasn't until a few years ago I realized I'd lost the people who were direct connections to a half-century of history immediately preceeding my birth. It felt like a cold, hard gap in time.

Thanks for the lovely, fascinating essay about your Grandma Kimi. She sounds like a remarkable person: someone who was going to have grandchildren come hell or high water!

Joining in the condolences.

That's an incredibly beautiful post, Sebastian. Thanks for posting it. Sincere condolences to your and your family.


She was lucky to have you, and in an important sense lives on.

Me too. Thanks and condolences.

Sebastian, my condolences and thanks for sharing the story.

My condolences, as well, Sebastian. Thank you for the story.

That was lovely Sebastian. Your grandmother Kimi was an amazing woman.

Condolences and sympathy, Sebastian: your Grandma Kimi is so obviously, someone who will be deeply and sincerely missed. Thank you for sharing her story with us.

Olav ha-Shalom

I'm so sorry for your loss. She sounds like she was a terrific grandmother.

Oh, she sounds wonderful, Sebastian. I'm so glad you had her in your life. This alone:

She eventually sold sewn knick-knacks at craft shows and was wonderful at playing the marimba.
makes me wish I had known her.

And I love that you waited to talk about how she became your grandmother.

My condolences.

My condolences Sebastian, for losing someone you obviously love so much.

Kimi couldn't have children, her attempt to adopt had turned quite bad, and she was a Japanese woman with no hope for grandchildren. She met my parents in a church in Davis and adopted their children as her own granchildren. I hope you won't begrudge the fact that I waited so long to reveal that fact--I didn't find out myself for many years. I didn't understand race well enough to think that having two white parents might exclude you from having Japanese grandparents.

This is absolutely wonderful. Not just the narrative revelation but the fact of the adoption itself, and the joy with which you accepted that adoption.

On the one hand, my condolences for your loss. On the other, I recommend you consider yourself for having known, loved, and been loved by such a wonderful person. As long as you carry her memory with you, she'll never truly be gone.

My condolences as well. A few things that might be of interest. The problems of the relationships between Issei and Nisei were quite widespread. When my father told his parents that he was marrying a caucasian, he received a multi page letter from his dad telling him how he had disgraced the family, etc. However, as it was written in Japanese, my dad was unable to read it until well after the wedding. Fortunately, things were smoothed over, as these sorts of things often are, by the grandchild (i.e. me)

Those letters vouching for the citizenship that you mention are probably still on file somewhere (or at least some paper trail). You may want to contact Eric Muller (he's on Von's blogroll at IsThatLegal) for some ideas about where you might find information related to what you mentioned.

Very touching, Sebastian. My condolences.

Thanks for sharing your personal memories and experiences.

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