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May 13, 2005


I heard the NPR report this morning about the DeLay dinner here in DC. They played a few bars of a guitar player at the dinner singing Pete Seeger's "If I Had a Hammer", complete with "I'd hammer out love between my brothers and my sisters all over this land" -- but perhaps "hammer out" means something different to that audience.

Well, he could be talking about Reid and his speech to a bunch of high school students.

That would seem a fairly justified comment.

Nah, I don't think so.

This, on the other hand...

(What makes parody-defying, as opposed to just wrong, is the reference to the Ten Commandments)

KCinDC, yes, I heard it too. Did you notice that it's "the Hammer of Freedom, Hammer of Love ... ?" (a slight change from the original lyric).

My favorite line about Tom DeLay is from Ronnie Earle:

"Being called partisan and vindictive by Tom DeLay," Earle told the Houston Chronicle, "is like being called ugly by a frog."

A bit unkind to frogs, perhaps.

Thanks, ral, I'd missed the changes. I've just listened to the NPR audio again. The song starts about a minute from the end. The lyrics are actually "He's a hammer of justice, he's a hammer of freedom, he's a hammer of love between my brothers and my sisters all over this land". (The original lyrics are here.)

In college I knew a songwriter who had a song called "Everybody loves Irony". After describing a number of funny ironic moments he began going into very sad ones. The key line was, "Everybody loves Irony...and Irony loves everybody too."
I think Delay will soon be feelin' the love.

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