I'll tolerate just about any kind of crap the right-wing extremists in this country can drudge up with regards to limiting the rights of gay Americans to live openly in this nation, so long as they stay in states I would never entertain living in even if you paid me (most of them Red, yes), but I draw the line at the sort of willful ignorance Ala. State Rep. Gerald Allen is up to:
Republican Alabama lawmaker Gerald Allen says homosexuality is an unacceptable lifestyle. As CBS News Correspondent Mark Strassmann reports, under his bill, public school libraries could no longer buy new copies of plays or books by gay authors, or about gay characters.
"I don't look at it as censorship," says State Representative Gerald Allen. "I look at it as protecting the hearts and souls and minds of our children."
This report notes some of the literature public school libraries would no longer be able to buy, including works by Tennessee Williams, Truman Capote, and Gore Vidal. Others include Auden, Albee, Alger, Baldwin, Behan, Boswell, Burroughs, Butler, Cocteau, Crane, Crisp, Cunningham, Forster, Foucault, Fry, Genet, Gide, Ginsberg, Housman, Hughes, Isherwood, Keynes, Kushner, Leavitt, Mann, Marlowe, Maugham, Maupin, McNally, Monette, Orton, Proust, Rauch, Rimbaud, Savage, Sedaris, Andrew Sullivan, Whitman, Wilde, Wilder, Wittgenstein, etc. etc. etc.
I want to laugh at this. I want to note that the only people he's really hurting are the ones he thinks he protecting, the ones who will be that much stupider, that much poorer, and that much less blessed by the genius of such writers. I want to believe that an idiot like Allen will be drummed out of the Alabama legislature for being too freakin' moronic to serve as dog catcher, let alone Representative. Five years ago, in this country, I would have been certain that would be the response to such a transparent grandstanding. Now, I think this SOB might actually be successful. Look at what happened in Texas, just yesterday:
The school board in [Odessa, Texas] has voted unanimously to add a Bible class to its high school curriculum.
Hundreds of people, most of them supporters of the proposal, packed the board meeting last night. More than 6,000 Odessa residents had signed a petition supporting the class.
Some residents, however, said the school board acted too quickly. Others said they feared a constitutional fight.
Barring any hurdles, the class should be added to the curriculum in fall 2006 and taught as a history or literature course. The school board still must develop a curriculum, which board member Floy Hinson said should be open for public review.
The board had heard a presentation in March from Mike Johnson, a representative of the Greensboro, N.C.-based National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools, who said that coursework designed by that organization is not about proselytizing or preaching.
Not about proselytizing or preaching? Yeah, Mike...it's about selling Bibles, isn't it?
Let's face it folks, when elected officials feel empowered to openly call for censorship of classics that have been staples of public school libraries, we've turned a dangerous corner. I can't believe the President himself hasn't sent a team of advisers down to Alabama to stomp on this freak's head. WTF is happening in this country?
UPDATE: Although I agree that the Bible is a miraculous book with important cultural significance, and that as such it has a rightful place in the public schools (alongside the Koran and Torah and other religious texts), constant reader Bernard Tomtov noted the following about the organization claiming its advocacy is not "about proselytizing or preaching":
After googling on the National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools, the group behind the Odessa effort, I find that they are backed by Center for Reclaiming America and American Family Association .
Anyone who thinks these organizations are just interested in teaching the Bible as a literary work might want to check their web sites.
You might also want to check out this article about Elizabeth Ridenour, head of NCBCPS.
Nice work Bernard.
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