Via Crooked Timber
Unfogged is hosting a Gary Farber Fundraiser. Like Alamedia, I've also often thought I should support Amygdala (unquestionably one of the finest sites in the blogosphere, IMO...despite its author's irrational ellipsisphobia), and well, now, there's potential for pressies if you do.
You know how, during those NPR drives, they promise you a mug printed with a picture of Fresh Air's Terri Gross or something? (Wait, she's a skinny white chick? WTF?) Or, like, a green canvas tote with NPR on the side, so that everyone on the subway will know you hate George Bush with a soul-searing hatred the likes of which has never been seen before? Yeah, we're having a fund raiser like that.
So donate early and donate often!