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January 27, 2005


Hee hee. Reminds me of a friend of mine who says "I only have a drink when I'm with other people or when I'm alone."

Vindication for Bush? He said we wanted Bin Laden "dead or alive". According to an exclusive report from BigBrainBoy he has succeeded. Funny how the MSM only let us know this AFTER the election....

Now now.

More empirical confirmation of the principle of non-contradiction!


OBL is alive and living in my backyard in Tucson!

Send in the marines!

Send in the marines!

Then again, maybe not...

This does, however, explain why CNN is the most trusted name in news.

We should really celebrate more of this style of agreement. Economists agree! Deficits are good or bad!

This does, however, explain why CNN is the most trusted name in news

It either is or it isn't.

I'm not sure about wanting to be a media "expert", but I'd kill for a job that allowed me to watch TV all day with a digital camera.

As long as someone would bring me lunch, that is.

Feh. I laugh to scorn your law of the excluded middle! Fie upon your weak classical logics! Sup instead at the font of continuous truth values, boolean-valued universes, Heyting topoi and quantum superpositions! The future is both now and yet to come!

All rilkefans are liars.

Anarch shames me. Of course Bin Laden is neither dead nor not-dead. He will however, instantly snap to one of those states when we open up his box and his wavefunction collapses.

aireachail ...but I'd kill for a job that allowed me to watch TV all day with a digital camera.

I think a job that required me to watch TV all day would kill me, with or without the video camera.

And I think all liars are rilkefans....


Man, I love our news media. They're not afraid to take a stand.

He will however, instantly snap to one of those states when we open up his box...

I think that was Saddam Hussein, aka Schrodinger's Dictator.

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