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January 04, 2005


With apologies to von, here's a link to an article on a common hobby horse around here: Arnold's trying to do something possibly admirable about redistricting in CA.

the worst thing I have ever heard in law school was one of my classmate's comments in criminal law first semester after we discussed some of the competency of counsel cases:

"Some people drive Lexuses, some people drive Toyotas." My professor--a moderate, cautious to a fault, status quo kind of guy--gave him one of the dirtier looks I've ever seen.

I can't remember if this was before or after he told us that the sleeping lawyer cases were the least of it, and described a case in Texas in which a defendant was found to have received a competent defense from a lawyer who "did not participate in jury selection or challenge any jurors, made no opening statement, cross examined no prosecution witnesses, made no objections, called no witnesses, and made no closing statement". The theory was that he was free-riding off his co-defendant's lawyer. And the co-defendant's defense was to place the blame on the defendant whose lawyer did nothing.

Not a Toyota. Not even a rusty 1960s DeSoto. More like a soapbox derby entry by a kid who was too bored to pay attention, or an invisible engineless car, or the right to hang onto the bumper of someone else's car as they tried to whack you in the head.

And that's leaving aside the possibility that the government might have more of an obligation to give people a fair trial before killing them or imprisoning them for many years in a small cell where there is a real possibility they will be raped, than they have to provide them with the car of their choice.

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