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January 03, 2005


... and some use it as a way to cheer for their team.

...on second thought, let me apologize for bringing the tone down like that, on the first post: sorry.

Yeah, but he was an infant SPY!!!!1!!!!!!

Hey, if he had been an orphan, he still would have been interned.

Hey Edward, you're 'Comments' link on you 'Credit Due' posts brings up 'Track Back' instead.

Blog...yeah, I should clarify that.

As I've already blogged on that three previous times, and this post is more or less to say "Well Done, Mr. President" I don't want to open the comments, but rather let that stand as my postscript to the other posts. I'll do an update.

I don't want to open the comments, but rather let that stand as my postscript to the other posts

That is a very good idea...

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