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October 21, 2004


"8. And maybe the best series in baseball history."

It was a very good series, but for drama, it doesn't even touch the Yankees-Diamondbacks World Series from a few years ago - the one with the multiple last-second Yankees comebacks followed by the last-second Arizona win over Mariano. As a New Yorker, that was a disturbing ending, but what a series. This was real good too (being a 3-0 comeback), but it can't match that for the game-by-game drama. 19-8 and 10-3 laughers don't quite do it for me...

This series has finally dissolved the last gritty bits of bitterness from that playoff game in 1977(78? I'm getting old)... And frees me to follow my preference for rooting for the AL team in any series. Go Sox!

A funny thing happened on the way to the dustpan, eh?

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